Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Hydro One

I have yet to figure out electricity charges here. I don't mean to complain but some things just don't make sense. I know, I've whined about this before. I just can't help myself.

We get our bill with all these fancy pamphlets telling us "electricity prices decrease!"

OK, I'm ready for this decrease. I don't see it. Mind you, I don't understand the bill in the first place, how would I know it has gone down? This month's electric total - $100.22.

Our favorite part of the bill is the "Delivery" charge which could be from $60. to $120. ;
Kirk is still waiting to meet the delivery guy.

Then comes the "Regulatory Charges", the "Debt Retirement Charge" and last but not least the "Goods and Services Tax". This month's total - $113.31.

In addition, this is an estimated month. We guess, this is where they guess, how much we used. We've noticed it is always on the high end of the meter.So, this grand month's total is $213.53 reasonable by local standards.
(The heating bill is another matter, it is still to come.)

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