Saturday, March 29, 2008

Trip to Lake Huron

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Machinist/Welder - Show and Tell

The high point of our Anniversary. I love this Man!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Saturday, March 15, 2008

My G4 TV Appearance

Hot For Words - is another YouTube channel. She is a teacher who, definitely has a way of keeping her students attention.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Great Baby-Sitting Day!

Little buddy and me always have great days. Today, was just better than others.

(approx. 3 min video)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

My (our) YouTube Channel

For some unknown reason, I'm unable to post my YouTube videos over to this blog.
(working on correcting this, I think)

Anyway, for some of you, if you wish to venture into the community of YouTube - my channel is AnneMarie96 which is just called - kierstead at home.

All my videos are there, and should you join and subscribe to would help me achieve my goal of applying for a partnership. Also, once you join and each time you sign on, it will show all recent videos posted by the channels you subscribe to. It is something like subscribing to TV channels. If you like them or they interest you - you keep the subscription. If not, you delete it.

Contrary to what you may believe it's only as scary as you let it be. Sure, I subscribe to channels that I may not recommend mainly because you don't know the history and at first glace, you will think it is BAD! I go through this with Kirk many times. But, once he knows the story behind the person, the video isn't as bad as he thinks. - In short, that's just the way life is. (knowing the history and/or both sides of a situation before judging)

So, should you be interested - click on either link above (I think it's in purple/blue or just underlined) it will take you to my channel. You have to JOIN to be able to rate and comment. (that is when channels get noticed = $)

Thanks for reading this.

Right now videos are very random - We, Kirk and I, discuss a theme, welding, pets, fishing or just leave it random. Open for comments.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Ice fishing continued....

It is cold, windy and close to home. Thank goodness. We are on a neighbours pond. They caught 4 fish. Kirk got all the fish because no one else wanted to clean them. Fish dinner tonight.

Ice fishing must be a very popular topic, as the video I posted already has 38 views in under 18 hours. Now if I could get subscribers, I could make money at this. Ya, right.

(double click on photos to enlarge)

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Country Sushi - Best try

Wired for sound, almost 6 minutes of not knowing what to do with myself. I dislike winter. It started out as 10 min. With edits and speeding up video managed to cut it to 5:55 minutes.

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