Friday, December 30, 2005

Mixed Emotions

Kirk has been working very hard at building a gate to display in our driveway or to sell before he even installs it. He feels that if someone sees it up close that they will have a better idea of his workmanship. We are quite excited to have the word get out about his work so we can start making some money.

Excitement turned to a touch of panic today. We received our first fuel bill. This is all new to us and we know we need to adjust. Kirk went immediately back to chopping wood. Torn between building
gate in hopes of an income or cutting costs by burning wood for heat.

Then we received news that the prospective buyer of our house in NC should be getting an offer on his house today. Should he accept it, means our house should close soon. WE are on pins and needles and PRAYING A LOT!

I'm still looking for a job. In hopes that the new year will be better.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

For the Love of Family

The Thoren Family Christmas Party.
Dec. 27, 2005
It was our first time to attend this gathering. The best part is meeting all the children.
Kirk and I are not blessed with children so to be with them is a real joy. It is obvious that the parents of these children are doing an outstanding job of raising them. It is too bad that they subjected them to me, their Aunt. Yes, I'm looking for forgiveness. However, unless I change I shouldn't expect any. I love you all and will work on keeping my tongue still. Kirk reminded me again that our tongue can be our worst enemy. Thank you for your Love and I will work to deserve it.

Monday, December 26, 2005

Merry Christmas

This Christmas will always be very special to us.
Our gifts were many.
In order of importance

The reason for the season becomes more clear each year.
We pray, to grow & understand more like Jesus.

We thank our family for accepting us for who and what we are.
We thank them for their help and love.

We thank our new and old friends for their thoughts and wishes for their help and love.

The last few months has been an awakening and we hope to give in return the wonderful feelings you have given us.

Love and Merry Christmas to all!

Sunday, December 25, 2005

T'was the Night before Christmas

T'was the Night before Christmas
and all through the house
not a creature was stirring not even
Kirk, me and the dogs.
While thoughts of bed were in our head
Bells a ringing (phone) and voices singing
family arriving at 9:15
We shook our heads with glee
not knowing how we would be
6 dear (to us) would be here, drinking beer
It was no matter we loved the clatter
of beer bottles clinging and fire place popping
Stories told of times of old
with wishful thoughts of what the future holds.
Night became morning with comments of warning
How more than sugar plums would be dancing in our heads.
Frank sprang to sleigh, to his team he gave whistle,
But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Our 1st Christmas Ornament

As far as I can remember we (Kirk & I) have never received a Christmas Tree ornament as a gift. UPS arrived today with a delivery. It made this day even more special. My special friend Tina in Waynesville, North Carolina, sent this. It almost motivates me to get a "Charlie Brown Tree" to put it on. Maybe next year. In the mean time it is hanging on a peg below her card in the dining room. Thank you Tina.
Merry Christmas

32 +

This is a great day! We actually watched the thermometer rise above 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Actually as I write, it is reading 39.2. You have know idea how excited we are to feel this temperature. I also never knew how excited I could get about seeing rain. I went shopping today because we needed dairy products but I enjoyed walking in the rain. I'm sure many are not happy about this heat wave as "A White Christmas" just makes this Holy Day even more special. (in the north) I'd rather see the nativity scene depict as in the Bible.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

My Christmas List of Blessings

My Christmas List is more
than just a way to keep track of
The special people God has brought
into my life to love.
It's like a treasured scrapbook
filled with pleasant memories
Of all the times God's answered prayer
through friends and family.
Every name's a touchstone
that leads to a place and time.
Where God has used another's heart
to reach out and touch mine.
It may have happened years ago
or even yesterday.
But every person on my list
has changed my life some way.
Through simple conversation,
a warm hug or a shared meal,
Every person on my list
has helped me grow or heal,
Or laugh or love or learn or smile...
the blessings never end
As God allows our paths to cross
as family and friends.
So please know that this greeting
is more than a Christmas wish.
It's a "thank you" card to God
for putting on my list
Each and every one whose name
I've come to hold so dear...
Those who've shown me Christmas joy
each day of the year.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

North Carolina Neighbors?

Our realtor in North Carolina is up in arms against all our neighbors. I don't blame her. Since we have moved they have taken advantage of our property which is making it hard for her to sell.
She finally got the kid to move his junk car out of our driveway and our new neighbor who we sold the lot to has move in.

At least his vehicle is a lot newer.

We really do need this place to sell as we are out of money. On paper it is sold with the condition that the old who bought it sells his place. Sounds like there are problems there too. He almost died twice. It is just too much for me to understand. I'm sure I'm rambling on I think it is because I'm losing my mind.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

First step

Today is my first step in getting over one of my fears. Electrocution.

I have decided to take Kirk up on his offer to teach me how to weld. After jumping each time he struck an arc I think I got use to the sound. Then came my turn. We talked a lot before I actually put the torch to the metal and pushed the trigger. There was a lot of reassurance that nothing was going to happen to me. Surprise! Nothing happened to me. I melted the aluminum and all was well. After 4 hours of this I felt a little more comfortable. Now need time to recoup and make dinner. I will get this. If I can't find a job why not make one?

Monday, December 19, 2005

Nap time

It is dangerous to take a nap and leave the camera sitting around. I think this is pay back for the nose job picture. I could be wrong again but I believe I heard Kirk mention it.

3 minutes to 3 hours

I made the mistake of believing an ad. I should know better.
AOL ad on TV says you can download all the computer protection you need with one click, it only takes 3 minutes. Well, part of it was right. The one click. Three hours later, I am pull out my hair then resorted to on line help. They are helpful. We just have to talk the same language. I don't know computer lingo and I guess my descriptions of what is wrong takes a lot of typing on my part to get my message through. The long and short of this story. I have my computer protected according to AOL. Virus, spy ware, firewall, phishing protection, popup control, spam, actually the list is longer than I can remember. I sure hope this part is true. I should be protected.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Christmas Tree Hunt

Kirk and I were invited to Frank and Cindy's home for their annual Christmas Tree Party. Friends and family bundle up and go out to find and cut down their Christmas tree. It was a beautiful day for it when you are dressed for the occasion. I would have loved to join the hunting party but our draw back are the dogs. We (the dogs & I) made an attempt to go along until I could see Shadow trying to keep her feet out of the snow. Of course that wasn't working there is snow everywhere. I was carrying Peaty in a bucket lined with a blank. (It was one of those you had to see it) Peaty was handling things just fine. Mind you the bucket was killing my back. Well, back to the house we go. We need small pairs of Canadian insulated boots for the dogs.

The best part of the day for Kirk and I was just the visit with family. We don't get out much and just being with family and their friends was wonderful.
Then comes the food and drink. Cindy made this great apple cider drink with whip cream and a kick to it. (Notice: I talked about the drink first) They had a great veggie chilly and lots of cold cuts with a wonderful variety of cheeses. We ate too much. What else is new? Our day caught up to us early as usual. When we got home Kirk was sound asleep in his chair at 7:30 pm. We contribute this to starting our days too early, long walks in fresh cold air, tasty food and warm apple cider.

I believe a good time was had by all and we are glad to be part of it.

P.S. Comments and thoughts are welcome and to see larger view of pictures just click on them.

Boots & Slippers

It has been a long time since I have had to wear boots for the cold. I have work boots but now we need winter/snow boots. Boots here are very well insulated for good reason it is cold here. I don't remember seeing boots like they have now. The insulation will come out of the boot looking like a thick sock or slipper. It was brought to my attention by my sister, Monique, that you could take the outer part of the boot off and leave the insulation on which would work as slippers. What a great idea. Cheers to Canadian innovation of keeping our feet warm outdoors and indoors. Now I have to do more research on gloves.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Wrong Thursday?

We started the day with great expectations of having 200 amp service run to the shop. Not until mid afternoon did we find out it will happen next Thursday. I don't know how so many wires got crossed but communication is not happening here. Kirk had me go to the bank this morning to get cash for the electricians work. Not that I mind going to the bank but there was a blizzard out there. It was not a fun drive. On a good day it is a 45 minute drive to Strathroy. I am now considering opening an account in Forest. As soon as I find a job that is what I'm going to do.
I did buy lots of groceries. I shouldn't have to go shopping for a month or more. I think I will become a bear and hibernate.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Bird in the hand is worth two in bush

In Peaty's case; a bird in mouth is worth six in basket.
We have started something new or I haven't been very observant.

I find no matter how many times I put the Bennie baby birds back in the basket, then no sooner I turn around and they are all over the floor again. They use to be Peaty's birds but Shadow has taken to them too. Actually, Shadow, the mean destructive one, only wants them to pull their eyes out. After that is accomplished she has no interest in them any more. At one time we had 12 birds. We are down to 7 and as eyes disappear so does the stuffing and I have to throw them away. This is really unimportant but it is cute or one of those " you have to be there"

I believe if you double click on photo you get a full screen picture.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Wood we? We wood.

We have wood! We thought we wood get wood when we went to the tree cutting party. We wood like to thank Frank for the wood he delivered today. We wood have been soon out of wood if it wasn't for his wooderful effort to help us out of the woods.
Thank you.

Interview #2

Interview #2. I feel it went well, but that is my opinion. I got 100% on my typing but I only typed 34 words a minute. They will call me. My information will now be forward to the different departments. There is more than one job opening. The company is NCO in Sarnia. It is a call center for a number of different companies. It sounds interesting, challenging and tough. While I'm waiting for this call. I faxed my resume to Canadian Tire in Strathroy. Gee, I wish Tim Hortons in Forest would call me. I think working there would be more up my ally and close to home. I have to keep those positive vibes going.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Nose Job

Our days never seem to go by without some sort of abnormal event.

I wanted to go to church today but whimped out because of the snow and blowing snow. Kirk was out in his shop doing his thing. I called Kirk on the intercom telling him I was going to call Mom & Dad and that I would call him on the intercom to join in the conversion when I got them on the phone. I did. He said he was unable to talk right now. Right then, I should have known something was wrong. As I continued my conversation, Kirk arrived in the house. He looked like we has beaten up. In a sense he was and he did it all by himself. He tripped over wiring laying on the floor and landed face first onto the floor. He was so upset with himself. At this point in the day he is reasonably fine? Everything hurts, nose, mouth, head, back , knees, wrists and feelings.

I sure hope the saying "things come in three's" does not hold true.

Getting wired

Kirk spent Saturday morning waiting anxiously for Cas, the electrician, to arrive as he said he would stop by before noon. By 1 pm Kirk gave up waiting and came in to eat something. No sooner does Kirk sit down to eat, Cas arrives.

They talked all afternoon. Finally at 5:30 pm Kirk came in to eat.

The result of the day. We are getting wired started Monday. This is a trade deal which Kirk is good at. Kirk rebuilds/repairs a number of aluminum doors for Cas in return for upgrade on electric. Time will tell how this will turn out.


Checking out Job Bank I came across a job in Grand Bend at Pineland Pro Hardware Ltd. It seems like something I could handle. 25 minutes drive, education: not applicable, credentials: not applicable, experience: 0. Right up my ally.

I called to make sure the job is still available. It is. I should call again on Tuesday for an interview. Couriousity got the better of me. I had to drive out to check out the place. I took my resume with me. Besides, I need a toilet plunger anyway. Why not buy it there?

Since I talked with Dale on the phone I asked to meet Dale. Told him since I was in the area I would leave my resume and call on Tuesday for an interview. He suggested to have interview now. He wasn't interested in my resume. I believe interview went well. He even pulled out his schedule to pick a day for me to start. Then, I don't know what happened. He decided that he would call me next week. I've got a bad feeling that it's not going to happen. I could be wrong.

I'll just keep looking.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Hot time in the country

Last night was the second time we used the hot tub. Since it gets dark early it fits in nicely to our schedule of "early to bed, early to rise". Our closest neighbor is probably a mile away. We know no one here so visitors are not likely to drop by. In short, like most tubby times we went out naked.

Well, wouldn't you know it, salesman comes a calling. This has never happened to us before even in North Carolina.

Kirk calls him to come around the deck while I scurry to turn off the tub underwater light. Now it is dark and I'm up to my chin in hot water with my back turned. Kirk being the talker that he is managed to keep this guy for at least 45 minutes. This is not a long time for Kirk but when you are sitting still up to your chin in hot water wrinkling like a prune. I wanted to drown him. Finally, I couldn't take it any more. I invited the guy to stay. I asked him to go in the house while we get out of the hot tub. He took the clue and said he would come back sometime during the day when Kirk is in his shop. Hallelujah.

Blowing Snow

It is 7:00 am and Kirk is clearing a path for us and the dogs.
The dogs don't appreciate his efforts. In fact they are not interested in the least in going out.
I believe Shadow was considering relieving herself in the house. I have to watch them close now.
At around 10:00 am our neighbor Dave, previous owner of our home, came to the rescue. Not that we are going anywhere but it was sure nice to see him.
Now he has snow removal!

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Ups and downs

The up side of the day is, my brother Frank lent us his Kabota. Yesterday Kirk bought a motor that weighs around 300 pounds that was loaded in the back of my truck. The dilemma when we got home was how are we going to unload it. Kirk called Frank for help. We got more than help we got the use of his Kabota for the winter. This is a great little tractor. Loading and unloading is now made easy and it is great for snow removal too. It will have it's own private parking spot in our garage so that we can keep a close eye on it.

The down side of the day is we got our house insurance bill. Actually it is called farm insurance. I think I almost had a heart attack or panic attack. Kirk said "what do you expect when you buy a house that is worth more than $1000". When I calmed down and did some figuring the premium isn't really high considering the amount of coverage. It was just something we didn't really count on right now. So far this has been one rough year emotionally and financially.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Great expectations

I had a very good session with a great employment counselor today. Her name is Ruth Campbell. When we got finished rewriting my resume and discussing the options available in Forest I felt I had a chance of finding a job with her help and direction. It may take awhile to find the job but she did make me feel better about myself. I will be checking into computer courses offered at the library.

Yesterdays meeting with Stevens Resource Group was depressing. I was there from 8:30 am to 1:30 pm. I took one test after another. I did well on the industrial tests. I did well on the keyboarding skills. Not to well on Word but then it has been a long time since I have had to use it. There was no real interview just tests.

The job I was applying for was filled. So, now they have all the information they want about me and should I wait to hear from them. Right.

Kirk and I went to Sarnia today and bought a new 25hp 3 phase motor so that he can finish building his phase converter. We are all excited that this plan is coming together. He hopes to have it hook up by the end of the week. This means he will be up and running soon and fixing or building something.

Good day, we have great expectations.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Job interview

Today is going well, I just got a call from Stevens Resource Group in Strathroy. I go in for an interview tomorrow. Job title: General labourer-manufacturing. Factory work I believe here in Forest. At least, that is how it was advertised. I will know more tomorrow.
Wish me luck. I have another interview with Job Connect in Forest Wednesday at 10:00 am

All washed up

Yippee, Kirk installed my new dishwasher today. You have no idea how happy that makes me feel. I feel like cooking and cooking and cooking. I don't mind cooking when I don't have to do dishes. Look out Kirk the food is a coming. (have to buy some first)
Now, too bad I don't have more dishes. Oh well, can't have everything.
Just so thankful for a dishwasher.

The Shop

The shop is slowly coming together. Kirk is now waiting for Hydro One to arrive. He needs to know if he can get 3 phase electric at a reasonable price as the motor, he bought to run his phase converter that he just built, does not work.

The welder is working. Kirk built his work table and just needs the rest of the equipment up and running so he can built something. Anything.

Overall, Kirk is a happy camper. He would be even happier when things are working.
I will continue this as new information arrives.

Fireplace 101

How can something that seemed so simple get so complicated?
I have come to the conclusion I will never pass in keeping a fireplace burning.

I have learned that there are many factors involved. This has come to my attention only by trail and error. Much of my time is spent in front of the fireplace. More time than I want to admit.

Factors are:
Type of fuel- dry wood, wet wood, hard wood, soft wood, size of wood.
How to ignite- lighter, lit news paper, cardboard, junk mail, anything that will burn.
Oxygen- open door, open damper, out door wind, my wind and haven't tried vacuum exhaust yet.
Heat- cold fireplace/flue, warm fireplace/flue, hot fireplace/flue.

The combination of any or all of the above is getting to be more than I want to deal with.

Then comes the work involved in putting it all together. The clean up.

However there is that feeling of satisfaction when the plan does come together and we can just sit back and watch the fire. It makes it all worth while.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Reaching out without touching

This can be good or bad. Putting your thoughts, feeling and comments on the www could be something I may regret in the future.

On the positive side. Only those who I care about, I will email my blog web site to and they may check this web site to see on how our life is going. I won't send any more long drawn out letters or stories to anyone. If they are interested they just check the web site.

Seems like a good idea for now since this is all new to me.

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