Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Pushing Buttons

First day on the job is always great. Overwhelmed with new things to learn, video procedures to watch and follow, names to remember, variety of products to make/assemble and serve, and buttons to push.
I'm pushing buttons now!
(picture is just copy of something similar we work with)
Modern Technology is Great
Just Love It!
It seems everything requires a button to push. Being the first day, finding the button is the hard part. Of course, in time, it will be second nature and speed of service will be the priority. Right now I'm just overwhelmed with buttons. Buttons to talk, buttons to register orders, buttons to cook/assemble order, buttons to end completed orders. Buttons everywhere! (Even my new shirt has more buttons than I'm accustom to. I dreamt about buttons last night.)
Looking forward to my next day, Thursday-Soup & Sandwiches, should have less buttons.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Things to do

On cold windy Sundays. Going outside is not an option for me.
Playing games is more in line of "time well wasted".
Someone sent me this Fly Helicopter game.
It has kept me busy for hours.
Just had to share this one.
Boy, I'm glad I have a job to go to tomorrow.
(click on Fly Helicopter it should take you to the game)


To see more of Herman go to Comics.com.

(click on comic to enlarge or click on highlighted words to go to site)

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Picture this

I love pictures, I like taking pictures.
This is a picture of looking at pictures.
It makes me want to have a laptop just to show pictures.
We had a great evening. Another birthday gone by.
Took some pictures.
Not all the BD girls are here this year.
The following are pictures taken earlier this week.

I like this dog. I forgot his name.
His name is an alcoholic drink so I should remember it.
I have more pictures. Not going to bore you.
Thanks for checking out this blog.

Friday, February 23, 2007

I have a JOB!

Tim Hortons called today. "Can you come in and try on your uniform?"
Perfect fit.
I start Monday at 7:00 AM
I can't wait. Yippee!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Collect Stuff? What? Why?

Found myself thinking about this in depth. Call it, collecting my thoughts.
With the Google search it was amazing the endless things that people collect.
It seems we all do it to one degree or another. The following copy is from another blogger who asked most of the same questions I had. (OK, not all my material is original)

So, if you collect, what do you collect? Why? Do you display them, play with them, or just take them out and admire them from time to time? Do you let kids play with them? (Some of mine I so would, and some of them not.) Oh, and here's a question: if you prefer your collectibles to be sealed in their original containers, pristine and untouchable, why is that, and what gives you joy in them? And if you do take them out of the containers, do you keep the containers? Where? How? What do you do about the new-fangled plastic containers that you need a blowtorch to get into? And if they are true collectibles and have little tags tied to them that explain why, do you keep those on, or remove them? If you remove them, what do you do with them?

I collect stuff, then I would get bored with it and either give it away, throw it out or since I moved so often, leave it behind.

I like to know what my friends and family collect because it really helps out when I comes to buying them gifts. So far, my short list of items that my friends like are;

teddy bears
Mine was; birds, flags, hats and sea shells. I don't know what I like now. I still like sea shells just have to redecorate this home to have them blend in. Then there are people like Kirk, they just collect stuff.
All treasures to him and junk to me.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Today's project was to find this fish finder here in Canada.
Kirk has his heart set on this thing. We have to find it. We can get it from Humminbird but, I think he wants to purchase it here in Canada.
I only found one site, West Marine, they have this model and it is for sale in US Dollars?
March 7 is closing in fast!
I was warned not to have a party. OK, no party.
He didn't say I couldn't tell anyone about March 7.
Everyone should know it is Kirk's Birthday #65

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

High point

This is what I looked like.
This is what I felt like.

It was a great day.
For some of you, this will sound real silly.

I got to hold a new born baby today. (one week old)
I think the last time I did this was around 25 years ago.
I was nervous and didn't move the whole time I was holding him.
It was such a great feeling.
Thank you Laura.

Unforgiving Jeans

Since I've been a home-body, my wardrobe consists of track-pants and sweat-shirts. Not that I have an extensive wardrobe. Most of my clothing is second-hand including my favorite pair of jeans that I received around 10 years ago from my niece, Ruth.

The cold weather definitely keeps me indoors. So, attacking household chores is the most movement this body gets in a day.

Exercise is not something I concentrate on, as most of the jobs I have had in the past 15 years are physical in nature. When I get home from work I'm usually exhausted due to the miles of walking and lifting and stretching.

Today, I'm invited to visit a friend. I dig out my favorite jeans. I did get them on. I can't breathe. These things are not going to stretch. Held off for at least a 1/2 hour. They are back in the closet. Track-pants are going to have to do.

Monday, February 19, 2007


Think I have a job at Tim Hortons?

When someone tells you; "you have to wear a hair-net and head-set", "we have to order a uniform", "what size are you?" These seem to be closing statements to me.

What messes up my head is; "We will call you."

When, is not clear?

"Business is slow this time of the year." and "We have two employees going on maternity leave, soon".

Waiting is not one of my strong points. But, I want this job. So, I wait for this call!

Life is a test, trust and temporary.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Year of the Pig

Not that I believe in any of this stuff, but, found it interesting.

This is suppose to be a boom year for babies as they are going to be prosperous.

I got into a lot of different sites about the year of the pig. Too many to list here. Just think it might be something to check out, if, you are as bored (boar) as I am.

(Cold and windy, thank goodness for computers)

Thursday, February 15, 2007

New Arrival

It's a Boy, OK, we knew that already. (refer to; post of Oct. 6, 2006)

It is just great to say!

Jakeb Benjamin Hendriks

Feb. 13 @ 6:55 AM

8.3 lbs - 22 1/2" long

I'm so happy for them. Congratulations Steve & Laura

He is beautiful!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Day in Florida

This could be Henry & Barbara


Dad & Mom

Sticking together

It seems we are lucky. The sever weather alert was cancelled yesterday and the snow storm we got was just a regular snow storm.
Kirk is out battling the regular snow drifts in the driveway. If the wind would just die down, he might win this battle. In the mean time, I'm just staying put in the house.
It also seems, the flakes game-plan is working.

Breakfast Sandwich

Friends of the south, if and when you come to Canada, the bacon, egg and cheese biscuit is called a "Breakfast Sandwich" here.

I have been reading up on this because, if I should get the job at Tim Horton's I will be ready to communicate with the customers.

My hopes are, they make them the same way we did in NC. If that is the case, I will be ready. That was one thing I was good at while working at HRMC. Made to order, fast and fresh. It was cholesterol to go. The biscuit alone was buttery rich with cholesterol let alone add sausage or bacon. What got me, are the folks that ordered extra bacon on the side. To each their own, different strokes for different folks. (For you that may not know, the customers are hospital staff; Doctors, nurses, anyone working there and some visitors.)

Friends of the north, I believe this Breakfast Sandwich came from the south. I wonder if the north will ever try to introduce Biscuits and Gravy? It is a NC biscuit eaters favorite.

(for more details click on any items hi-lighted)

Monday, February 12, 2007

Energy efficient

This morning the house felt warmer than usual. The thermometer said 25 Fahrenheit for outside with no wind and the usual 72 Fahrenheit inside. Kirk said we are having a heat wave as the last week it has been in the teens.

Our house is not the most energy efficient. It is an older home and may have started out being efficient but, insulation is not something we feel this winter. The wind is strong here. (I think I mentioned this before) This winter is colder than our first and we notice it a lot more.

The draft around the windows and coming through the electrical outlets on the west of the house are our first clue. This house needs help. Another project.

We believe part of the problem is the mouse population in this area. We also think, that is what caused the lack of insulation in this house.

Now we just have to come up with the money to fix this by next winter.

Hunting for stuff

Deja vu; this is just what happened the other day with the Frank and Ernest I know.
Most of you know what Kirk's shop looks like, and it will never change.
It was one of those situations, you had to be there.

Thursday, February 08, 2007


It is not etched in stone yet but, I have a good feeling that I will be working at Tim Horton's .

The manager called today stating that she was very interested in me and didn't want to lose me to someone else.

This is what happened last year. She called and I had just accepted the job at IGA. I did want to work at Tim Horton's but I felt a responsibility to follow through on my first commitment of job acceptance. This won't happen again. I will just wait it out.

She said, she will call back, to arrange a time next week for an interview/orientation. My emphases, I'm a morning person. Hours offered are 6 - 2 and 7 - 3. Yes, right up my alley. I can't wait.

Thanks has to go to our friend Steve . Who, put in a good word for me. I believe his glowing recommendation is what helped this along.

Now I wait. The only person who is not happy about this is Kirk. Males; Peaty happy with bird in mouth, Kirk happy with wife in house.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Nice welds

Another project almost complete.
We are not sure what to call these things?
The purpose is to hold a tarp. So, guess they are tarp-holders.
Kirk built them for 9 grain wagons.

The interesting and nice part of this project is, the number of compliments Kirk has received about his welds.
Three compliments in just the last week.
One from the customer and two from other welders, and one of them also welds aluminum. It really does make him feel good.

It may not be fancy stuff like gates and handrails. It seems the folks around here notice quality work.

That's my man!

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Country Boy

"You can take the boy out of the country (USA) but you can't take the country out of the boy. "

Kirk is adjusting well to his new home, but some things are difficult to leave behind. He is finding it is easier to purchase some needed supplies from companies he has dealt with for years in the USA, rather than venture into the uncharted territory of Ontario. This move has even cut my Internet purchases down to next to nothing. Which could be a good thing?

They say, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks."

Problem; most of the companies he likes to deal with do not ship to Canada and if they do, the cost of shipping equals the price of the item.

Solution; we now have a USA address in Port Huron, MI. which is only a 45 minute drive for us.

We could be wrong, but we think we have the best of both countries covered now.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Dr. Kirk

It seems, I broke my toe. It doesn't look broken to me.
Dr. Kirk looked at it and said "it's broken".

Yesterday during my cleaning frenzy I managed to hit my toe against the leg of the bed frame. I had a few choice words but continued on. About an hour later the pain set in and moved up my leg, stomach, back and straight to my brain. I don't understand how this all works. I felt ill all over and still do.

Not doing much today. I'll just celebrate Groundhog Day. He didn't see his shadow here so hopefully, spring is right around the corner.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Projects happen

Started the morning not sure what to do with myself.

Only set plan was, to make Kirk a steak dinner with apple crisp for dessert. I start on the apple crisp early. Upon opening the cupboard with the dry goods. I find the droppings of an unwanted visitor. We have a mouse in the house. Surprise! It is amazing how something so small can cause so much work. Did it know I needed something to do today?

As I pull out the packages of; bean soup mix, pasta, Knorr soup mix, flour, rice, etc. stuff starts hitting the floor. Of course everything has a small hole in the bottom of the bag. The mouse managed to give me a work project.

I take everything out of the cupboard. Clean the shelves. Now, I decide to salvage what I can by putting things in plastic mouse proof containers (Tupperware). Since some of the containers are not large enough to hold all of the product. We are also having bean/cream of broccoli soup. This should go well with gator bread. I finish off with vacuum and damp mop floor. Since I'm on a roll now, just a well vacuum the rest of the house.

Not sure if I should thank the mouse first, before I hunt him out and kill him. Heck, we all know entrapment is what we do to mice. Just have to go buy a trap. Another project.

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