Sunday, August 27, 2006

BBQ Pig Roast

We had the honor of being invited to a country party. These pictures are from the very beginning of the festivities because Kirk & I are early to bed type people. This place was bustling with folks by the time we left at 8:45 pm. The food was plentiful and the mound corn was delicious. We had a great time.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Writer's block

I believe I have writer's block. (I looked it up on the web and it seems to exist).

Mind you, I have been busy with other things but when I do get a chance to sit at my computer I just sit and stare wondering what I should say, and if I should say, what is on my mind.

The recent actions of my Parents have become fixated in my mind to the point that I can not concentrate on positive issues. This is sad because I try to look at the positive of everything.

I have to say this, I feel, if one of us children did to them what they did to my oldest brother we would hear a lot of noise.

I will leave it at that. Hopefully in the future a positive will show up. God be with us.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Parent's Wish

This link was sent to me from a friend. I understand it, I like it and I can do this.

(Some parents may be selective in child and wishes).

Just thought I'd share this. (ckick on below)

Sunday, August 13, 2006

55 years

Tomorrow will be Henry & Barbara Thoren's 55 Wedding Anniversary.
We wish them many more Happy Years together.
When the time comes, they should ever really need our assistance in any thing, we will be there.
Love and respectfully yours,
Kirk and AnneMarie

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Years go by

50,51,52 what do you mean 53? stop already I won't remember my phone number.

Energizer Bunny?

Farmers are like the "Energizer Bunny". They keep going and going until the job is done.

I didn't get a chance to take a picture of the equipment used to pick up the hay because most of that process happened after dark. Kirk & I wake up a number of times during the night for reasons unknown. One time was around 2:00 am. The farmer was still out there loading his hay. It was all gone in the morning.

I also compare them to Firemen. They wait and when called upon they go, go and go. Actually, farmers have many other jobs during the waiting period just in case Mother Nature doesn't co-operate. My feeling, Farmers job is rough.

I salute all the Farmers and anyone dealing with the land/water and the uncertainty of the weather.

Monday, August 07, 2006


My day wasn't as productive as the farmer raking and baling the hay today.

I made an effort to cut down our weeds. We couldn't find the cutting blade for our line-trimmer/weed-whacker. So, this morning I bought line for my weed-whacker at Canadian Tire (yes, it was open today). The line weight recommended was .80. Well, it didn't hold up against our crop of weeds. The line keep breaking. I need that blade. I resorted to round-up again.
Our weeds, is the tall stuff behind hedge and before the field. double click for larger view

In the mean time the farmer had most of the field raked and should have it all in bales by night fall. I'm sure by the time I return home tomorrow after work, most or all the bales will be gone.
That is another sight to behold. If I get a chance I will take a picture of this equipment that picks the bales up. It is awesome. Kirk & I have never seen anything like it.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Business Hours

This is one of the few things we have to adjust to.

I'm use to having most of my shopping and insurance/licensing/banking done by 8 or 9 am. Not here. Most business open at 9 or 10 am and also close at 5 or 6 pm. On Saturdays many small business close at noon and not much is open on Sunday. Some businesses are closed on Monday and some on Wednesday. In short, call first.

We try to plan our next day in advance. Tomorrow, Monday is my "day off". It is also a Holiday here in Canada (Civic Holiday). All offices will be closed. Small stores and business will be closed.

Just have to wait for a "day off" that falls on a day that things are open. More and more I look to the internet to complete business transactions.


This is Kirk's description of our corn feast we had today.

Many of our customers are farmers and corn is plentiful around here. We enjoy eating corn and at the rate it has been given to us we will be eating plenty during the corn season. It is too good to be true.

Sure hope the tomatoes are plentiful too.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

When it rains, it pours.

Things are really stepping up! (By the way, it is raining)
Kirk brought home 8 more steps to repair with more steps to come.
He also has a gas tank to build, trailer to repair and maybe a fire escape to build. Hasn't had a chance yet to quote of fixing the threshold of the freezer door at IGA since small walk-in jobs keep him from leaving the shop.

Hope it keeps raining.

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