Monday, September 11, 2006

Remembering 9-11

We watch FOX News most of the time. This triggers my thoughts of that tragic day.

I was working at Bi-Lo #128 Canton, NC. (store is no longer there) Mid-morning my co-worker, O'Dell, received a phone call telling him to watch the news now! Since we are at work this seemed to be an impossible request. The desperation in his voice and actions made me stop what we were doing and take him out to my van. (which was given to us by my parents) It has a TV in it.

We sat and watched in horror as the buildings came down. At first there is this disbelief. This is not for real. As the day went on the realization set in that it is for real. Our feelings about life changed that day. I believe a greater appreciation for others and their help and thoughts in large and small things is a big part of what life is all about.

Kirk was with Mark setting up a metal building on that day. Radio was their only source of information. The feelings were the same.

We will never forget that day.

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