Saturday, April 01, 2006


This is something we did not do in North Carolina. We are doing it now!

For those of you who knew us well while we lived in North Carolina, you will know that garbage was something we seemed to accumulate well. We even had help from close friends hauling it off. (We didn't have garbage pickup but we lived real close to the so called recycling center).

I could never get over how two people could manage to have so much garbage. We had at least three garbage cans and they were always full. I blame it on beer cans. Since there was no monetary value in returning them and no one was paying anything worthwhile for crushed cans it became garbage. (Here, we receive 10 cents for the return of a beer bottle.) In addition there was milk and orange juice jugs. Kirk drinks a lot of milk and I drink orange juice. These jugs take up a lot of space/garbage. Paper and plastic packaging, glass etc. In short there was no incentive to recycle.

You won't believe this but, in just over two months we only have one garbage can full of trash. It's contributed to composting, burning, and blue box. I will explain blue box. It is a bluebox that you put your waste glass, cans, and plastic in to be pick up by the local service. It is free. They do charge $2.00 for a standard size bag of garbage weighing no more that 45 lbs. You have to buy $2.00 stickers from your local convenience store to stick on the bag of garbage for them to pick it up. I think it is a good system. Mind you, since our garbage has become minimal, my brother to the rescue again, lets us throw it in his dumpster located at the nursery. It saves us at least $2.00 every couple months.

You won't believe this either, Kirk's shop actually looks neat compared to the past.

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