Sunday, January 29, 2006

Gone Fishing!

Yesterday was a GREAT day for Kirk. He finally got to go fishing. Of course he didn't catch any but that was just fine he had a great time trying. It was the thrill of being with Frank and putting the boat in the water, trolling around giving it their best shot at drowning some lures.

To top it off the weather was perfect. It is hard to believe we are in Canada. It got up to 51 degrees Fahrenheit and the lake was smooth as glass. (Today it is 42 and raining buckets)

It sounds like their biggest challenge was getting the boat motor started. You have to remember that some time has past since Kirk has had this boat in water. Memory is also something that comes and goes. Apparently it took an about an hour of trying to start the motor when it dawned on Kirk that he had to plug in the kill switch key. The motor fired up right away and off they went.

I believe he will talk about this day for some time. This is good to get his mind off his troubles.
The cute part, Frank called this morning with a message for Kirk. He saw fish. The Indians are pulling in their nets just off the shore in 3 feet of water with lots of fish in them. So, there are fish out there.

Talking about Indians, on his way home from his fishing trip he stopped for a hitchhiker. This could be good or bad? Kirk told me his name. I forgot already. It is that memory thing. Anyway, because Kirk made the extra effort to take him into town (Forest) to an ATM machine via our place to drop off the boat and back to the plaza on the reservation, the hitchhiker offered him delivery of some fish.

Our new friend arrived at our sliding door about a half hour ago with fish. He also needed to use the rest room. I directed him to the other entrance so that he wouldn't be tracking through the dining room/kitchen area. To me, he seemed to be intoxicated on something but who am I to judge I'm drinking beer. While he was in the rest room I gave Kirk a look (if you know what I mean) and told him to take him to the shop! At this point in time I don't know what is happening and I'm not sure I want to know. The crazy part is, it seems like deja vu. I feel like I dreamt about this and I can't remember the ending. Hope it was good!

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