Thursday, February 01, 2007

Projects happen

Started the morning not sure what to do with myself.

Only set plan was, to make Kirk a steak dinner with apple crisp for dessert. I start on the apple crisp early. Upon opening the cupboard with the dry goods. I find the droppings of an unwanted visitor. We have a mouse in the house. Surprise! It is amazing how something so small can cause so much work. Did it know I needed something to do today?

As I pull out the packages of; bean soup mix, pasta, Knorr soup mix, flour, rice, etc. stuff starts hitting the floor. Of course everything has a small hole in the bottom of the bag. The mouse managed to give me a work project.

I take everything out of the cupboard. Clean the shelves. Now, I decide to salvage what I can by putting things in plastic mouse proof containers (Tupperware). Since some of the containers are not large enough to hold all of the product. We are also having bean/cream of broccoli soup. This should go well with gator bread. I finish off with vacuum and damp mop floor. Since I'm on a roll now, just a well vacuum the rest of the house.

Not sure if I should thank the mouse first, before I hunt him out and kill him. Heck, we all know entrapment is what we do to mice. Just have to go buy a trap. Another project.

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