Monday, August 07, 2006


My day wasn't as productive as the farmer raking and baling the hay today.

I made an effort to cut down our weeds. We couldn't find the cutting blade for our line-trimmer/weed-whacker. So, this morning I bought line for my weed-whacker at Canadian Tire (yes, it was open today). The line weight recommended was .80. Well, it didn't hold up against our crop of weeds. The line keep breaking. I need that blade. I resorted to round-up again.
Our weeds, is the tall stuff behind hedge and before the field. double click for larger view

In the mean time the farmer had most of the field raked and should have it all in bales by night fall. I'm sure by the time I return home tomorrow after work, most or all the bales will be gone.
That is another sight to behold. If I get a chance I will take a picture of this equipment that picks the bales up. It is awesome. Kirk & I have never seen anything like it.

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