This is so cute. It is a YouTube feature this week. Good pick. Over 2,000,000 views. Got to love it.
It's not about me. ....everything got started in him and finds its purpose in him. Colossians 1:16
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
The Amazing Skidboot (Dog)
Kirk loves this video (8:36 min) So this is the best way for us to save it. If you have the time, watch the love between man and dog. (This is how Kirk felt about Shadow)
Sunday, February 24, 2008 Theme Song by Irving Fields
92 year old Irving writes song for YouTube. Some think YouTube is only for younger generation. Wrong! (video is 5:26 min)
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Domona Lisa
This is another YouTube channel I subcribe to. Interested is seeing more...double click on video-- takes you to YouTube and double click on name FlippyCat takes you to channel-- all their videos. Love the cat!
Friday, February 22, 2008
God - Logan, The Sky Angel Cowboy
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Get up & Go, Got up & Left
Saturday, February 09, 2008
This is worth watching. Amazing/beautiful connection between human and animal.
(approx 6 min) Go to website for more info.
Married to YouTube
This video kind of explains the relationship to YouTube. I understand it. I should have my YouTubes tied.
Friday, February 08, 2008
Rant on Snow
Yes, I know we have it better here than most places. Still, I rant. And,when there is nothing better to do, make a video.
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Monday, February 04, 2008
Ice Fishing - First
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Is it a NEED or a WANT???

I know the answer........I want this so bad, I can't stand it. Do I really need it? Probably not.
I've been going through this debating thought process for the last 24 hours now. Should I or shouldn't I buy it. It would make the movies and picture presentations so much better, easier and faster. I like the faster. With the system I have now, it takes approximately 3 to 4 hours to produce a 3 minute movie. I dare not go over 4 minutes.
However, this MacBook Pro starts at $2100 and with the features (I need/want) it will total around $3200. yhoo whoo! I tell myself, "lets be reasonable here. It is, just another toy. You have a computer."
Then the child in me wants to say, "well Kirk got all his toys when he wanted them. He has two boats now, extra boat motors, fishfinder, GPS and many rod and reels." Gee, whats up with that?
We think we have come up with a solution. When Kirk sells one of his boat motors ($4500.) I get to have a Mac attack.
Patience is a virtue.
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Blog Archive
- Star Wars according to a 3 year old.
- The Amazing Skidboot (Dog)
- Theme Song by Irving Fields
- Domona Lisa
- Book Store Customer Training
- God - Logan, The Sky Angel Cowboy
- Get up & Go, Got up & Left
- Married to YouTube
- Rant on Snow
- Another Snow Day!
- Ice Fishing - First
- Pelican Briefs Or Boxers?
- No title
- Is it a NEED or a WANT???