We went through this last December. Kirk is ill. I should have known something was wrong when we slept until 6:00 am this morning.
The week started out great. Monday, I went shopping for a metal cut saw as our other one is acting up. Besides, two saws are better than one, which proved to be so yesterday. Kirk wouldn't let me cut until he had it set up and figured out, how this was going to work.
While I was waiting, I became a "rock hound" for a few hours. Noticing the farmer out in the field picking up rocks,
I can do this! No "leaverites" out there, just pick'em up and put in bucket. (For those who don't know "leaverites", when Kirk use to go gold/gem hunting, he would want to bring home all kinds of stones/rocks. Most of them were "leave it right there" rocks. Get it.)
Early Tuesday, things are set up and we are cutting metal. Kirk cuts all the difficult angles and I got the 45 degrees and straight cuts. By 4 pm we feel accomplished and tired. Had dinner, shower and ready for hot tub, as both of us ached all over. The temperature of the hot tub is it's usual 104 but for some reason we both broke out in a sweat. We had to get out.
Kirk is now resting/sleeping in his chair and I'm not moving much faster. I managed to get the garbage to the curb only to returned to; the job of washing the kitchen floor because Kirk didn't make it to any container. It is safe to say, today is a write-off.
102.7 is definitely not one of our favorite numbers.