It's not about me. ....everything got started in him and finds its purpose in him. Colossians 1:16
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Gator Bread
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Monday, January 29, 2007
North Carolina Friends
As they say "a picture is worth a thousand words".
It is even better when we hear from friends who we haven't heard from in months now.
The joy is too much. I have to introduce you to our friends.
This is Ben and Phyllis and their family. Ben was there for Kirk during the move to Canada. Packing, loading, driving and unloading.
He made the trips to Canada with Kirk and Phyllis joined on the last trip.
We can't thank them enough. This is their 40th Anniversary and Happy Birthday Ben #62

Another friend we haven't heard from in ages; Debbie and Calvin (no picture of Calvin, he is probably the photographer) We worked with them back in our construction days. Calvin still a builder. Debbie graduating in May as RN and she will be 50 in two weeks. 50, been there, done that, just didn't look as good as she does. (she's the one in the middle)
You go girl!

Just have to say, we miss you all. Stay in touch the best way you can.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Sunday projects

This fairly well describes all our projects, Especially for Frank & Ernest (Kirk).
Right now, Kirk is moving snow.
Yesterday Frank dropped off one of his tractors (similar to the one we had last year) for Kirk to clear the driveway.
I think Kirk is really enjoying moving snow because, he's been at it for hours now and waves at me every time I poke my head out. It must be the fact it's something different to do.
It is Sunday. A day of worship and rest. He's got both covered.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Snow Storm
Right now, Kirk is shovelling snow very slowly. I warned him to take his time and not to exert himself. (the heart situation is always on my mind)
In the mean time, I have been cooking up a storm. It serves two purposes; heats the house and more food than we can eat. The dehydrator is a great heat source. Kirk now has bags of venison jerky. The oven is the best heat source. Baking tuna casseroles and bread. (items on my menu) Stove top is good too. Venison stew is a hit.
I think I'm gaining weight. I should be the one shovelling snow but Kirk says he needs the exercise. Yes and no. I did get plenty of exercise when working at IGA. Now, getting dressed to go outside and undressed to go inside is the chore. Putting boots on and off wear me out. I think we should put a chair in the garage just for boot removal while wearing 5 layers of clothing.
We are glad that we don't have to go anywhere. Kirk's trip to the shop, over a few snow drifts, is as far as he wants to go and I only go there when he calls for help or to take the dogs out which are real short and fast trips.
Ah, winter in Canada, got to love it. Can't leave it.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Frank & Ernest

Friday, January 19, 2007
Dog Box
Another small project completed. This is the first dog box Kirk has built.
The irony; in NC we had many requests for a dog box but no one would follow through and say build it. We were living in NC dog box country with lots of hunting dogs and many trucks with home-made dog box.
Here, we see very few hunting dogs or trucks with dog box. I think Kirk should have put his signature on it.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Positive side of winter
It is so beautiful.
This picture was taken this morning, sitting in the warmth of the living-room.
Looking out, enjoying the fact, I can stay home.
I may not like the cold.
We do like the view.
Monday, January 15, 2007
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Comics and Cartoon etc.
The best part of the Saturday paper was the comic section. I don't buy a paper anymore. Actually, I haven't for years. I do miss the comics. Thanks to the WWW I found a site that has all the Comics and Cartoons you could possibly think of, all in one spot. It is great. If you like comics and cartoons.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Friday is Pay-day

Our first handrails in Canada! OK, it is not a large job but, it is a job.

It is a start of what Kirk likes to build. Handrails and Gates. Should some see it and like it, things could go from here.

This is custom built. Not much detail. That is what the customer wanted. They just called; they had a dinner party last night and their guests really liked the handrails. They are pleased too and delivering a case of beer. (we work for beer) Do I have to claim the beer as a tip money?
Friday, January 12, 2007
New Computer experience
It is another learning experience.
Kirk wanted information on Quincy Compressors. I do the search just because I'm faster at this stuff. I didn't want to print all this info because, printer ink is not cheap here in Canada. So, I send it to his computer in the shop.
We haven't used the shop computer for a long time. Actually, it was the one I used, before it died the first time. (it is like a cat with many lives) I go to shop, to show Kirk the information. Info arrived and we have success with it. While getting adjusted with the small screen (spoiled now with large screen I received for Christmas) we decided to check out our saved "favorites".
I don't understand computers. I don't really want to. Just found it amazing that there is still stuff on it that I thought I deleted ages ago. I don't know if this will work but; listing of our home is still there.
Only the weather
Moving from Florida, it took me two years to get adjusted to the NC weather and I guess it is going to take another two years to get adjusted to Ontario weather.
In my opinion, Florida only has one thing going for it, the heat. That is the only thing I miss from Florida. NC has more distinct four seasons, similar to Ontario, however less extreme. I miss a lot more of NC.
If and when I get acclimatized, things should be fine.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Not the brightest bulb
Learning new things is something we thrive on. I'm not a "quick study" like Kirk. He always amazes me, he can read something once and retain it. Me, I have to read things over and over, depending on the importance of the topic, I have to write it down too and then there is no guarantee that I will remember it down the road. However, I do work well with "trial and error".
So far, this is how today is going.
Working with this Blogger, I've been wanting to include links to my posts without having to show the actual link as part of the text. Seeing this done in other blogs, I know there has to be a way. I read all the "help" information which is all geek to me. I manage to stumble onto it quite by accident. I'm excited!
I can now say we found Pronunciation of Biblical Names and all you have to do is click on the highlighted area. This is so neat! Or, I like Cartoons.
The other item added to the blog are labels. Clicking on the label (at the bottom of the post) brings up all posts with the same label and/or topic. This is easier than entering a search word and clicking "search this blog"
Can you tell I have too much time on my hands?
Bible pronunciation
I came across this web site this morning. I'm all excited. Just have to share this with a world of people like us struggling with pronunciation.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Snow Dog
To work or not to work?
Kirk does not want me to even look for another job for at least another month.
I'm starting to go stir-crazy now. I need to do something other than household chores.
We think and feel, we are going to get a large contract soon to build many, many steps. If that is the case, I will be designated cut person and of course, Kirk will be welder. We will be busy.

So, we wait, pray and wait and pray some more. In the mean time the shop is looking better all the time. Clean up process is going well while waiting for material to finish the current jobs.
In the mean time, the heat wave has disappeared and cold winter wind blows.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Sad News
I sounds like the house will be on the market again real soon as he's 11 children are to receive equal shares of his estate. Since he was a pack-rat (he collected old broken down lawnmowers) the clean up will be the biggest challenge for his daughter, the executor of the estate.
Some of the neighbors are saddened and yet relieved with hopes of a new owner with "normal residential lifestyle" interests. Mind you, we weren't normal but some how we fit in.
Our hopes are; who ever buys the house will be interested in our land behind the house.
It would be a win win situation.
Friday, January 05, 2007
Do I really need this? Reading Material
I decided I should read more. This morning I spent hours searching for the book "Culture Warrior" by Bill O'Reilly. Not that I couldn't find the book. Finding it a price we are willing to pay is the hard part. Actually, it is the shipping and handling that becomes the clincher. It is amazing how much each place wants to charge for S&H. After exhuasting all avenues I end up finding it at the DoubleDayBookClub which I'm a member of. I guess I was having a senior moment.
Of course, you get a deal if the order is over $29. NO S&H. So, I ordered his other book "Who is looking out for you?" I now have reading material on the way. I better finish the other 4 books ordered a few months ago. I also better stop shopping online. It is too easy to spend money.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
North Carolina Property For Sale
We are hoping and praying that this will be the year it sells.
Any help will be greatly appreciated. We really want to sell this land with building.
Check out listing at:
Has great view for new home builder. Great storage building (we should know). 5 minuets to shopping, schools, hospital, and yet still country.
Well, better leave the sales pitch to the Realtor.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Iron worker?

When we moved here Kirk became friends with Lyle, the owner of a tool rental business down the road.
Lyle is retired now and in Kirk's spare time spent many hours helping Lyle restore a vehicle.
To our surprise, Kirk was presented with the use of this "Iron worker" for as long as he wants it. It cuts iron.
Another Christmas gift.
Survey says
The topic that caught my attention was a survey or poll stating that, 37% of people who resign do so because of their supervisor not because of the job.
Well, there is a surprise!
Boy, was I lucky, when I started the job at IGA the supervisor left on maternity leave for almost a year. Sad to say, she came back. Mind you, I was warned by co-workers what life would be like on her return. I feel for them. They didn't like it then and they don't like it now.
It amazes me how people who treat others so badly stay in their position?
New Year, New Look for shop
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- Gator Bread
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- Frank & Ernest
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- Positive side of winter
- Conversation with Peaty
- Comics and Cartoon etc.
- Friday is Pay-day
- New Computer experience
- Only the weather
- Remember
- Not the brightest bulb
- Bible pronunciation
- Snow Dog
- To work or not to work?
- Hooked on cartoons
- Sad News
- Do I really need this? Reading Material
- North Carolina Property For Sale
- Iron worker?
- Survey says
- New Year, New Look for shop