Unbelievable mild weather right now. But, due to the dampness we can't seem to feel warm. The fireplace is burning hot and the temperature in the house is 74 and outside 41 and for some reason we are freezing? The forecast doesn't sound good. It is going to drop like a rock into the teens in the next day or so. This whole country should turn into a skating rink. Let play hockey!
Ok, so much for the weather.
Since our TV is on the blink we are down to one station that is providing us with some outside entertainment. Kirk is actually watching it. I pass through every once and awhile making statements "Are you actually watching this?" Please, Judge Judy is not something I can get interested in.
During the day (5:30 am to 3:00 pm) Kirk is busy working on building an aluminum hay elevator and I am busy baking bread. It is good that we have some sort of routine going here.
We like routine. It seems my designated hours are 6 to 2 Wed. & Thurs., 8 to 4 Fri.. And the rest of the weekdays can vary from week to week. I enjoy working there. Some co-workers are easier to work with than other but that is with any job. So, I have good days and some that are so so.
I hate to admit this, my so so days is working with someone just like myself. "What goes around comes around". She has the job down to a science and if you don't do it exactly like the science the air gets still. Now that I'm put into this situation I remember I worked exactly the same way in the past and now feel sorry for anyone who worked with/for me. Hopefully I will learn from this and move on to be a better person. In the mean time I will live with "myself".