Yesterday was a fun day. We started the day a 4:00 am because I had to be at work at 5:00 am. I had a great day at work just learning the routine and absorbing the comradeship of the younger generation. It was good and yet it made me feel old. I try not to do this but it happens anyway, living in the past and the comparisons of past and present.
When I first moved to Florida/North Carolina I compared everything to Canada. How things were done and better. As time went on I adjusted and tried to fit in. The fit in part never really happened because I always got "you're not from around here, are you?" Now that I'm back in Canada I find myself comparing things to the USA. I want to rush the adjustment time so that I fit in. I think, all I have to do is stop talking about the past. This is hard to do.
The day got better. Unexpected company arrived. My sister Monique and her husband Don, of London Ontario, came to visit and my brother Frank dropped by. We're thrilled. Since company is not something that has happened often since we moved here. (Well, we only arrived here Nov. 1, 2005). Bad part is I found myself dwelling in the past again and comparing Canada & USA. It is like trying to teach an old dog new tricks. They say it can be done.
Hopefully we don't come across as judgmental or critics. We don't mean to. You've heard the phase, "When in Rome do as the Romans" We are trying our best to "When in Canada do as the Canadians". We just need some direction here. Some things may not change. Kirk may never talk in Celsius and Kilometers. He may never watch hockey but he does find curling interesting. Fishing seems to be the only thing on his mind and I believe this is a universal activity. (except for some of the rules like no lights under water at night)
Getting acclimated. Years ago (going to the past again) when I lived here most of my life and selling insurance I had an appointment with a couple who I thought at that time was crazy. Their home was so cold that I believe I left my coat on during my sales interview. They tried to convince me that getting acclimated to the outdoor temperatures was good for the body. Ok, only an Eskimo would have liked the temperature of their home. Well now I'm trying this acclimation thing very slowly. We keep the thermostats low. When the fireplace burns out the house is cool and we just put more clothing on. That's it for acclimation.
Some of the things we like (the list is a lot longer than what I'm about to write and not in any order of importance): flat land, early beautiful sunrise, late beautiful sunsets, no close neighbor's, fireplace, hot tub with snow around it to keep beer cold, the huge shop, lots of parking, parking my truck in garage, blue box, returnable beer bottles, gas cook stove, close to family, close to our work, close to lake, close to border, making new friends, price of produce, etc.
Some of the things we miss (again, list is a lot longer and in no particular order): our friends, price of booze, cigarettes, poultry, meat, eggs, milk etc., our Budweiser salesman, warmer winters, our refridgerator, city water and a hot tub that I could keep the PH right, 3 phase electric, and I think, the John Deer riding mower that we sold.
Some how I know this comparison thing will not end soon. But we will do our best to be Canadian.