It's not about me. ....everything got started in him and finds its purpose in him. Colossians 1:16
Sunday, December 31, 2006
I resign
Dave Delchiaro
Forest IGA
88 King St. E.
Forest, Ontario NON 1J0
Dear Dave,
With regret, I am forced to resign my position in the bakery. This may come as no surprise to you since my last letter pointed out Sue’s disapproval of my work performance. I’m not sure what I did wrong but it is obvious that she wants me out of the department. I will oblige.
It is short notice. However, we also get short notice as to our schedule. I believe it was understood that I am a morning person. Kirk and I always have been. We start early and fade around 3 or 4 and done by 5 or 6 pm.
When you hired me, you did mention that you needed someone and you didn’t need someone. I think I mentioned I needed a job and didn’t need a job. I truly enjoy working at IGA and it was a great year working with a fine group of organized young ladies. We were a team! Sad to say, upon Sue’s return the team and organization dissolved.
Should in the future you need someone again for some other position? I will be more than honored to be of service.
Sincerely, AnneMarie
Friday, December 29, 2006
Deer Meat...cont.
We received our package of deer meat and now it is time to cook.
Today Kirk is having deer stew and the deer jerky should be ready in approximately 2 hours.
For someone who never cooked before meeting Kirk, I sure am making up for lost time.
The cooking smells good and Kirk said the stew is good! (I don't eat creatures that have four legs so I have to take his word for it.)
As I write he just tried the Jerky. It is good but, should have marinated longer. OK, next time.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Cake, What to do?

This is a continuation of previous post; No Cake today or any day.
I arrive at work to a very empty looking department since it is first day after the store being closed for Christmas. (here it is closed two days as they have Boxing Day)
To me the goal should be, cleaning and making the department look full again. I will be alone until 9:00 am. Get those buns out ASAP. But, low and behold there is a cake order for this morning and no cake decorator scheduled for today! What to do? I was told, in no uncertain terms, "You do not do Cakes!"
I wake up the Bakery Manager at 6:30 am to ask if I should call the Decorator?
"No, you can do the cake."
A pause of silence, then scared, right or wrong, I said "I don't do cakes. Besides, I'm busy getting bread and buns baked and on the self."
The Manager arrived around 7:00 am obviously irritated. She decorated the cake in record time and left. The air was thick with silence. The rest of the day was non-stop as usual as there is always plenty to accomplish before quitting time at 2:00 pm.
My feelings are mixed. I really do like working here. Just wish I could figure out what went wrong to make my life here so tense with the Manager?
Wednesday, December 27, 2006

It seems that times have changed.
Around 30 years ago, I used the telephone all the time. I made a great living using the phone. From what I can remember calling friends and family was not an inconvenience for either party. In addition, I even made the an effort to send cards and letters. (Mind you, my address changed so often I understand why someone couldn't write back.)
Now, I hesitate to call anyone, finding myself interrupting one kind of activity or another. Experience shows that everyone is much busier now. The comments now are; we are playing cards, getting dinner ready, eating dinner, guests are arriving, we are just leaving for, etc. In short, I feel like I picked the wrong time to call, again. So much for asking how things are going or what is happening in their life?
Not that I like answer machines but, I'm sometimes relieved that I can let someone know I tried to call to see how they are doing without expecting a response, knowing they are probably busy.
Email became the next best method of communication. Send your note or thoughts and it can be read at the recipients convenience. Many got on that band-wagon and it is now just a way to send "stuff". Found that can be an nuisance too.
So far, my best way to communicate is this blog. No contact, just write my thoughts and experiences and should someone be interested they will check in at their convenience. Down side, they have to have internet access and know the website address. Now, I'm back to the phone or email.
Answering the phone is not something I do often. Good part, most of the calls are for Kirk anyway. Better part, they are from friends and family that actually let us know how they are doing.
Thanks for the calls and emails. We love hearing from you.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Friday, December 22, 2006
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Home for Christmas

Through all the hustle and bustle of getting ready for all the customers we expect to get, it is great to see familiar faces of the previous summer co-workers.
The students are home for Christmas!
Not that we have time to chat but, as we are passing by or waiting on them, to me, it is just a great feeling to see them again.
It is nice to hear things are going well and they are doing well. A prosperous future in the making. I wish them all the best with just good memories of summer jobs of the past.
Christmas Gift
Kirk could not wait for Christmas to give his gift to me. It arrive yesterday by UPS. He set it up.
When I arrived home from work, he was right on my heels as I enter the door. He starts describing his experience of seeing reindeer, sleigh and a fat man with beard and red suit. I'm thinking he has lost it or he has inhaled too much welding smoke. I could tell, his excitement was overwhelming.
The down side, when I get home from work, I'm tired, sore and just want the sit for a bit. This was not happening. As I'm ushered into our designated office, the story goes on about Santa.
Surprise, we have a new monitor! It is huge, wide, clear with wonderful large print. (I can put off getting new glasses.)
The touching part is, he took the money he was saving for his fish finder to pay for this. It seems to me, the child in all of us does come out even more this time of the year. (I'm trying to get the money together for his fish finder.)
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Hydro One
We get our bill with all these fancy pamphlets telling us "electricity prices decrease!"
OK, I'm ready for this decrease. I don't see it. Mind you, I don't understand the bill in the first place, how would I know it has gone down? This month's electric total - $100.22.
Our favorite part of the bill is the "Delivery" charge which could be from $60. to $120. ;
Kirk is still waiting to meet the delivery guy.
Then comes the "Regulatory Charges", the "Debt Retirement Charge" and last but not least the "Goods and Services Tax". This month's total - $113.31.
In addition, this is an estimated month. We guess, this is where they guess, how much we used. We've noticed it is always on the high end of the meter.So, this grand month's total is $213.53 reasonable by local standards.
(The heating bill is another matter, it is still to come.)
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Let there be light!

We had a light once. It burned out during the summer, some time. I bought a new fluorescent bulb but, it still didn't work. Finally last Sunday, Kirk got fed up with the fact of working in the dark at the sink (not that he does that often). Sure, we have another light in the kitchen but, it is above and behind what you are working on, so the shadows can get irritating.
He got his trusty meter out to test the currents. We have electric in the lines. In fact everything tested positive. It has to be the balis (not sure if I'm spelling it right?). Can't check that. Time for another light.
Since he is in the mood for fixing this, I hurry out to town to find anything that will work. Looks and design is not an issue here. I want light.
I purchased a light for $19.99 bulbs not included. Purchased bulbs.
Total, $27.11.
What a deal! It was a two person installation. Our age is showing in times like this. His arms are getting sore trying to hold up fixture while trying to match screwdriver with screw. My job is to hold fixture. What a team! We turn on switch. One light bulb burns out. But, we have some light!
Excitement is too much. Need a beer as we spend this moment staring at the light. It might be too bright now. We don't care. Our vision is not the best so more light the better.
Merry Christmas
Canada Post Gift

To my surprise, we received a package via Canada Post and it was delivered to the door!
I know, this should be no big deal but it is a first, since we arrived here in Canada. Usually, we get a card in the mailbox instructing us to pick up packages at the Post Office.
It could be, the Postal worker tried in the past to deliver to the door but there is no sign that has ever happened. Maybe here they don't leave signs? In NC, the Postal worker would leave the card at the door which indicates to me, they made it to the door.
Like I said, no big deal. Just real nice not to have to go into town to pick up a package.
This could be Canada Post Christmas gift to us.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Christmas Spirit
Or is it?
Christmas is the greatest time of the year! Our savior is born! It is a time of celebration, getting together with family and friends. Exchanging gifts, small, large, and from the heart or just being together.
Why is it, I'm sitting here not wanting to put out the few Christmas decorations we own?
Then comes the memories of past comments. "You are slobs." Who wants to be around slobs?
Christian; being Christ like.
We want help others the best way we know how.
We may not have decorations. We may be slobs.
We will help you with the best of our ability. Just let us know what you need.
Merry Christmas
Friday, December 08, 2006
Visitor Visa
Monday Dec. 4. Kirk had to pick up some material in Sarnia and decided to renew his Visitor Visa. I was tense about the whole thing because he's put it off well past Oct. 15 deadline.
It states on the visa; conditions # 3." Must leave Canada by 15 Oct. 2006."
As you can tell, he is still here. He did have to jump through a few hoops to stay.
God really does watch out for us. He was fortunate to get an understanding Customs Officer.
Kirk sat and watched two people interrogated sent back to the USA. They were in line before him. It is now his turn. He presents his case with all the paperwork that I sent with him. We are trying to comply with all the requests Immigration requires. The Officer stated he could tell that, by what was on his computer screen.
However, the officer did chew Kirk out for not renewing by Oct 15. He told him that he could arrest him and send him to the USA. Instead, he made Kirk drive to the USA and return like a new arrival. Then he chewed him out some more. I think, Kirk got the message and a new visitor visa valid until June 4, 2007 with plans of renewing May 4, 2007 as instructed.
We sure hope that all the immigration hassle will be over with by then.
On a bright note, we did get a part refund on the fee - $485.00.
On May 2, 2006, the Government of Canada announced that the Right of Permanent Residence Fee of immigration to Canada would be reduced by almost fifty percent from $975 to $490. This change impacts on all sponsorship that are in process where the fee has been submitted and where the potential immigrant to Canada has not become a permanent resident of Canada prior to May 3, 2006.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
He was fine yesterday, all excited about his 17'-6"x11'-6" thermalex insulated steel door being installed today. He slept through the whole day. He didn't care one bit on how and when they arrived or finished the installation. (By the way, the door looks good!)
This is another first. I've known Kirk since 1992 and I can't remember him ever being down because of some flu bug or whatever he has. He doesn't want to eat or drink anything and he is not smoking. (Can't smoke when you are sleeping.) Last thermometer reading was at 5 pm. We are down to 102. I sure hope it goes back to normal soon.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Award Winning Store

So far, I still have the privilege of working at this store.
For more details of award click on http://www.cfig.ca/feature_story.asp
and go to Medium Surface Awards.

Store owner - Dave Delchiaro
Today, they are holding the company Christmas Party/Dinner.
I will not be attending since it will be past my bed time.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Heart Specialist Visit
All is well.
He got to see his heart beating just fine on a monitor. (Of course, if it wasn't, what are the options) The part he didn't understand, the Dr. placed the gadget on his tummy and it shows the back of his heart. Modern technology. The Dr. chuckled when Kirk questioned how this works.
They don't really know what happened the other day. It was serious, and yet everything is normal now. In fact the Dr. was surprised how strong Kirk's heart is considering his age.
Kirk told the Dr. about his past. Construction jobs of climbing ladders, his prospecting days of walking miles and climbing mountains. Sure, now he is not doing as much physical labor. Maybe, this is the problem.
The topic of smoking did come up. The Dr. told him, should he stop smoking now, in three years it would be like he never smoked.
I got one of these, "should we try?" when he was explaining it to me.
I've been bitching about this for a long time now. No sense me quitting if he doesn't.
WE are going to give it a try.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
All in a Heart Beat
Tuesday afternoon, after installing a new quiet muffler on my truck, he came in the house tired needing something to eat. After feeding him some fish gumbo he mentioned his chest felt strange and asked me to check his pulse. I'm not good at this sort of stuff and yet I could tell there was something definitely wrong.
He says "with some rest it will go away". Since my patience level is real short, after a hour I ask if he is feeling any better. "No." Now I start looking in the phone book for non-emergency medical assistance. There is a medical clinic in Forest (appointments only and I don't care).
We arrive at the clinic just asking for someone with some medical background to check his pulse so we can decide what to do and where to go. With persuasion they finally let us see a Nurse who immediately got a Doctor who immediately called 911.
He is now in an ambulance heading for Stathroy Hospital, which is 45 minutes away. My job is to follow in my truck after paying the bill of $75. for this visit. Cash only. So I had to go the bank first.
I arrive at the hospital an hour later. Kirk is already hooked up to monitors and printers spitting out paper with squiggly lines on them. During blood tests and I.V. he is chatting on and on saying, this is his first time for an ambulance ride, emergence room, monitors.... etc.. He was like a little kid experiencing Disney World or all the attention.
After a short explanation of the numbers jumping up and down on the monitor a realization set in; this is serious! Now Kirk starts a deep concentration on the numbers. It is as if he wanted to "will them" to stop jumping. We are now left alone. There are other patients needing assistance.
We both stare at the monitor like watching some interesting TV program. It is getting late and I have to be a work at 6:00 am. The dogs are "home alone." I am getting very tired and I don't drive well in the dark at best of times. We now are concerned that the Dr. has forgotten us.
At 11:00 pm we are relieved to know the Dr. has his own monitor and announces that Kirk is staying the night with arrangements made for a Specialist to arrive in the morning. I now can leave for home.
I only had one dog accident to clean up. It had to be Shadow, because when letting them out Peaty had a very long pee. Shadow knew something was wrong as she was abnormally affectionate towards me. It was enough affection to let her sleep on the bed along with Peaty. We are going to try to sleep now. Right. It seemed I checked the clock ever hour. Finally it was time to get up. The dogs weren't interested in getting up. To bad. I put them in their beds. In the garage. Set out bowls of water and off to work I go.
8:15 am I get a phone call. Kirk is out of the hospital.
Positive points of this;
- Kirk may cut down on his smoking.
- Medical services are not as expensive as we thought.
- Emerg visit $250. Ambulance $240. Physician fee $50. (Dr is getting *crewed)
- Prescription $4.10
- Follow up visits arranged for Dec. 2 more test ($?) Jan. 10 discuss medication ($120.)
- Many friends and family offer assistance now and in future.
- 911 is just a heart beat away. Use it.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
No Cake today! Or any day.
The following is a letter I faxed to the store owner. It is self explanatory.
It may make or break my job. Time will tell. The confrontation was with the Bakery Manager. Whatever the outcome it is probably for the best as God has a plan. I've spent most of the day repeating the Lords Prayer. The tough part is; we forgive those who trespass against us.
Nov. 26, 2006 Sunday.
This is only my opinion and experience - Without prejudice.
Dear Dave,
In the past I have been able to handle my own confrontations. Today was a little more than what I could handle.
What we have here is a “failure to communicate”.
The following will be my routine, thoughts and feels on how I handled the day. You may receive other versions.
Arriving early as usual, always trying to be prepared for any unplanned emergencies, I find a very large cake order for Sunday at 9 am. (Sale price $80.00) The first question to myself is; why would they do this on such short notice? I read it over and over again. It does say Sunday at 9 am. (When I left on Saturday at 1:15 pm we had no cake orders)
Flying into action, I know I have to get the bread and bun bin filled by 8:00 am. I will worry about the packaged buns later. (From experience people will ask about the packaged buns and I figured I would package as needed.) This now gives me one hour to decorate these cakes. (2 full slab cakes) Ok, my decorating experience is limited but I try my best at whatever I do and being out of practice this takes longer as in after 9, doors are open. (Not sure when I finished had customers in between everything else.)
It is now 10:00 am. The cake customer has not arrived yet. I am cleaning up the decorating tools and waiting on customers, this must have been another mistake I made.
10:05 am. Sue arrives asking, “why aren’t the buns out?” I try to explain. I get cut short. “You don’t do cakes!” Ok. That is fine but what am I suppose to do when I see a cake order for Sunday for 9:00 am. (I am getting loud now) I was told; “don’t you take that tone with me”. I never did get an answer to my question.
I was told there are customers who need buns, as she pointed to her grocery-buggy. Again, I try to explain; I thought it was more important to get an $80.00. cake order done which was a greater $ value than all the packaged buns put on the shelf. Besides we were in the process of packaging when Sue arrived.
I guess my priorities were wrong and I apologize for that. It won’t happen again. I will not decorate again and I will not come up with any ideas again.
Some of my co-workers have asked me why I’m so happy? I love life. I like my job. I enjoy working. I enjoy sharing ideas but I found that is not acceptable here. I will try to fit in.
Friday, November 24, 2006
Black Friday
Myself, I don't understand, however people need that special item and this is the day to get it. (If you live in the USA) It puts the retailers in the "black" and the consumer in the "red".
As for us in Canada. The farmers are still hard at it. I mentioned this on the Canadian Thanksgiving. Well, last night the tractor lights lit up the field as they harvest the sugar beet crops.
Around our home they've been working for 2 days (as in 48 hours) straight now. They must be working in shifts as we don't think any one person could keep a straight line staying wake that long.
It seems their Black Friday is much different than you folks in the south. Hopefully it will put the farmer in the "black".
In the mean time, the weather is great. Just like the days in North Carolina. I wanted to cut some grass. Kirk had to change the gas filter on the mower first. He accomplished that task and proceeded to cut the back yard. This is the important yard to cut. It is were the dogs relieve themselves and they prefer short grass. The mower is still not running properly so I was told not to bother cutting the rest of the property. Kirk failed to mention at some point the mower managed to eat the carpet in the garage. Wonder if that has anything to do with the performance of the mower? Our Black Friday?
Thursday, November 23, 2006
1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.
3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
4. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
5. Pay off your credit cards every month.
6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.
8. It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it.
9 Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.
10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.
11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.
12. It's OK to let your children see you cry.
13. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
14 If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.
15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry; God never blinks.
16. Life is too short for long pity parties. Get busy living, or get busy dying.
17. You can get through anything if you stay put in today.
18. A writer writes. If you want to be a writer, write.
19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else.
20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.
21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.
22. Over prepare, then go with the flow.
23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.
24. The most important sex organ is the brain.
25. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: "In five years, will this matter?"
27. Always choose life.
28. Forgive everyone everything.
29. What other people think of you is none of your business.
30. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.
31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
32. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch.
33. Believe in miracles.
34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do.
35. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.
36. Growing old beats the alternative -- dying young.
37. Your children get only one childhood. Make it memorable.
38. Read the Psalms. They cover every human emotion.
39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.
40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.
41. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.
42. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
43. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.
44. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
45. The best is yet to come.
46. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
47. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
48. If you don't ask, you don't get.
49. Yield.
50. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift.
Happy Thanksgiving USA
Monday, November 20, 2006
I will seek and find you..
I shall take you to bed and have my way with you.
I will make you ache, shake & sweat until you moan & groan.
I will make you beg for mercy, beg for me to stop.
I will exhaust you to the point that you will be relieved when I'm finished with you.
And, when I am finished, you will be weak for days.
All my love,
The Flu
Friday, November 17, 2006
Deer Meat
Since we moved here we have received;
Beef, fish, corn, potatoes, onions, tomatoes and access to bountiful vegetable garden with berries.
Firewood - logs and 2x4's
Building materials
Lumber, insulation, wiring, lighting, plumbing
Computer services
Sofa, bed, tables, chairs, pictures, patio chairs
I'm sure there are things I'm forgetting.
But, we are now going to get Deer Meat. I don't know if I'm ready for this?
Small World

This really shouldn't be surprising and yet it seems so bizarre that I am working with someone who started out to be a complete stranger to me.
Realizations set in when she presented this picture of my niece (the short one) and her (the tall one).
1. I'm older than I feel.
2. A kinship occurs.
3. I've returned to a part of the world where I have unknown relationships and the discovery of the fellowship is exciting.
4. Life is great!
Saturday, November 11, 2006
They fought for freedom
Just take the pittance of time.
This is really good! I don't know if anyone down south has ever heard of him. If not, this is my small way of promoting a great song writer. His song was sent to me in an email and I just had to know more about him and the song. It is a must, to listen to. I found a number of links if this one doesn't work.
http://www.terry-kelly.com/pittance.htm Click onto video (English).
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Indescribable feelings
I take the package to the Post Office Oct. 30 to ensure that it will be sent properly. From experience I know a letter with standard postage takes approximately 10 days to arrive at a USA destination. To speed up the process the Post Office offers 6 day delivery for $14.50. My thoughts; are 4 days worth the additional cost. NO. (Big mistake on my part) I choose to send it standard postage mentioning to the Postal Clerk that Immigration seemed to have lost the previous set and this has to get to the FBI but 4 days won't make that much difference.
Yesterday, Kirk comes in with the mail. The package returned "insufficient postage".
I am ............... Indescribable.
Grabbing my postage receipt and package I raced out the door to have a discussion with the Post Office. Many thoughts went through my mind. Shooting someone was one of them.
Many of you know me as having quite a temper and irrational. Listening to the gospel music playing in my truck I did calm down before arriving at the Post Office.
The clerk admitted it was their mistake. She apologized as she handed me a box of Kleenex. (I wasn't crying, my nose was dripping. I still have a cold.) The consolation is they return my original postage and we now send it for $14.50. I leave asking the Lord for the understanding of this and my indescribable feelings.
Monday, November 06, 2006
We're having a heat wave!
It is 60 degrees Fahrenheit. (Surprise)
Kirk has gone FISHING! (Surprise again)
The salmon is running?
Kirk asked me this morning "How is your cold?"
My reply "The best cold I've ever had. It just wants to hang around and mess up my head."
Actually, I think Kirk wanted me to go fishing too. I just couldn't do it.
He worked like a (Canadian) beaver all weekend so he felt justified to take off on such a lovely day. I don't blame him he is retired. (You know what I mean.)
Sticking to the necessities, I completed some household chores ran a few errands and back to my rest and orange juice while waiting to see if I'm cooking fish this evening. (Only worthy results will be photographed.)
Friday, November 03, 2006
Cold Remedies
My idea of fighting a cold is; orange juice, apples, rest/sleep and if that doesn't work. Drugs.
Kirk's idea is; onions, garlic, hot-toddy and MAYBE drugs.
Keeping an open mind between naps. I baked bread with onions and garlic and made a big pot of onion soup. Guess what we are eating today? This better work. I have to work tomorrow.
Too bad beer isn't a remedy. I would never get a cold.
Monday, October 30, 2006
The best style of worship
Yesterday I went to church with my brother. http://trinity.sarnia.net/index1.php is the church that he and his family belong.
A place to belong: (The Purpose Driven Life, chapter 17) Today's culture of independent individualism has created many spiritual orphans - "bunny believers" who hop around from one church to another without any identity, accountability, or commitment. Many believe one can be a "good Christian" without joining (or even attending) a local church, but God would strongly disagree. The Bible offers many compelling reasons for being committed and active in a local fellowship.
(Kirk and I are 'work in progress' in this area)
In trying to explain my joyful experience with Kirk, the upbeat style of music became a topic. Kirk is a traditionalists who draws closer to God through rituals. I'm going with "If God intentionally made us all different, why should everyone be expected to love God in the same way?" The good part of this is Trinity offers both styles. Both styles represent our Love for God.
I think Kirk is more an ascetic. Ascetics prefer to love God in solitude and simplicity. Which brings me to the books our sister-in-law lent us - International Inductive Study Bible and Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible. When I returned home from church Kirk couldn't wait to start reading. The rest of the day was Bible study in solitude.
Friday, October 27, 2006
On the Other Side
A sick man turned to his doctor, as he was preparing to leave the examination room and said, "Doctor, I am afraid to die. Tell me what lies on the other side.
" Very quietly, the doctor said, "I don't know."
"You don't know? You, a Christian man, do not know what is on the other side?"
The doctor was holding the handle of the door; on the other side came a sound of scratching and whining, and as he opened the door, a dog sprang into the room and leaped on him with an eager show of gladness. Turning to the patient, the doctor said, "Did you notice my dog? He's never been in this room before. He didn't know what was inside. He knew nothing except that his master was here, and when the door opened, he sprang in without fear. I know little of what is on the other side of death, but I do know one thing... I know my Master is there and that is enough."
May today there be peace within you. May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. I believe that friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Indifferent, Bad and Good
Started the day all excited about sharing some cake decorating sales ideas for Halloween.
That got squashed in a hurry. This place is like no other I have ever worked for. The aloof attitudes won't get me down. It just confirms they don't want ideas, change or any experiences I could offer. Communication and sharing is not something that is going to happen at IGA.
A letter arrived from Immigration. Time is running out on requests that we are not sure on how to tackle. We feel we sent them everything in the first package Oct 2005 resulting in a reply letter Dec. 2005 - requirements met with additional medical information needed. OK.
Feb 2006 they request FBI background check (which was sent in Oct/05) plus 'good conduct' certificates from NC, MD, KY and FL. plus evidence of disposition of 1960 property damage record which Kirk can not recall. This is where we got lost. I could go into all the details but it all comes out the same. I think we are out of rope not knowing how to obtain all this information.
We did look up many phone numbers. Tomorrow will be a phone day.
Kirk's talents are needed. (at least one of us has needed talents) Forest Fire truck arrived this evening. Driver stating "if anyone can fix it, Ernest can."
They will be back first thing tomorrow morning.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Where are the customers?

no charge of course

may have charged?

better charge
It was just yesterday Kirk was going on about 'no walk-in/drive-in customers'.
As compared to what? Call-in customers.
Not that he doesn't have things to do. As he puts it, he is 'covered up' with work.
I think he misses the company.
Well today, the customers must have heard him. Small, large and unusual.
Of course, I took pictures.
Butternut Squash -There is a point
1. Years ago we received a subscription to a Cookbook digest with an unknown origin.
2. Last year my Brother offered squash from his garden. I picked Butternut Squash throwing the unwanted seeds on our compost pile. This resulted in a crop of volunteer butternut squash plants late in the spring. It produced a nice crop of squash.
3. Last Monday, I had a tooth pulled which results in, living on soup and food that doesn't require chewing. (mashed potato)
4. It is now quite chilly (down right cold) outside so the furnace has been 'kicking on' constantly.
5. Since it is not that busy at work I have more days off which gives me more than enough time to cook/bake. Baking produces heat in addition to the job of keeping the fireplace hot. (the furnace is not running 'on my watch'.)
Put these points all together.
We are making; Butternut Squash Soup Portuguese Style from Twelve Months of Monastery Soups of the Cookbook Digest. I have to share the recipe. (Kirk likes it!)
6 tablespoons olive oil
3 onions, chopped
5 garlic cloves, minced
2 butternut squash, peeled, halved, seeded, and cut in chunks.
1 potato, peeled and cubed
1 carrot, peeled and sliced
7 cups chicken stock
salt and pepper to taste
1/3 cup freshly minced parsley
fresh thyme leaves as garnish.
Ok, now I should give the directions on how to put this together. I'm not going to.
This is soup folks.
I found it much easier to cut squash in half (take seeds out and plant) bake squash (to produce heat) if cooked too long (because you are on computer) skin peels off very easily (rather than trying to peel/chunk it before being cooked) If you forgot the potato. Leftover mashed potato from yesterdays meal works. One carrot? I put in at least three big ones since that may be the only way I can get Kirk to eat carrots. (I baked them with onions and garlic).
Throw it all together in a pot and let it simmer until the first one get hungry.
It taste great! I think any country that can grow butternut squash can claim this recipe.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Day of Bonding

This day was wonderful. I spent the day with my sister-in-law and her mother.
The program was from 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. which consisted of great music, testimony, teaching, reflection and commitment. It was truly a helpful experience. It refreshed my reading of "The Purpose Driven Life". A reminder of "what on earth am I here for".
One of my many problems is fear/worry. Today's lessons learned/reminded; write down the list of fears and or worries and when you review them, it is called "don't sweat the little stuff".
Not to ask the question; "Why Me?", "Why Now?" and "Why doesn't God do something?"
Instead; Who else?, What for? And How can I use the wait?
Another lesson learned the statement "It's not fair" is not biblical. Humans made that one! Surprise!
After my day of declaring, rejoicing, exalting, proclaiming. Protected, preserved, delivered, restored. All praise to You, Lord!
Kirk and I joined friends at the Forest Legion October-feast just in time for the meal. It was our first time out to a public function (unless I count going to the Forest Fair on our own). We had a great time. We missed the Um Papa music. It was good ol' country music while we're there. Home by 8 p.m. All wore out.
Continuing Education
My friend of 25 + years did just that. She is a very smart and talented lady to start with. So with her wisdom, continuing education was a logical choice. Being a widow with a young son, a good job/income is high on the list of priorities.
I ask for the help of all who read this to pray that she finds that job. Congratulations Rose!

Friday, October 20, 2006
Sears Called
Today I received the phone call promised in the reply letter. A Sears specialty agent is calling.
It was not a customer confidence building conversation.
A young sounding voice commented on my cheery mood when I answered the phone. She introduced herself asking how am I enjoying my dishwasher and water-softener? (I did stay cheery through the whole conversation).
I proceeded to repeat the same information I wrote in my letter adding that the price of the new dishwasher is more than twice that of the old and expected at least the same performance from the new one.
Now, this is where it goes beyond my understanding of things.
She says
"I hear this all the time, that the older model is better." something wrong with this statement
However, "It is more energy efficient." The old days of elbow grease is back
"Your warranty is only for mechanical defects." to me, the whole thing is a defect
"Would you like to sign up for a one year maintenance contract?" You have got to be kidding?
"Should you have any problems go to your local retail outlet. They may help you." Now there is an idea!
Or, "You can call parts and service at ###-####. Tried that, push 1 for this, 2 for that and wait.
Help! I know I was talking with a human who is suppose to be a Specialty Agent. Special at what? She couldn't answer my question about the power of the pump. In fact I don't think she knew anything about dishwashers. If her job was to make me go away. I have to think this one over.
It looks like I'm soon making another trip to Sarnia to talk with someone in the appliance department.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Muslim Vail

We are watching the news. The woman (assuming a woman) past her driver test and now it is time to have picture taken for driver license. She refuses to remove her Vail for the picture?
Kirk goes off the deep end. He says "sure I'm going to go and have my picture taken with a paper bag over my head and I promise to put it on when I get stopped by the police so they will recognize me by my picture. " "Give me a break."
We understand they have "their rights" but sometimes you have to change to the rules of the country you want to live in.
More on vail - http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/politics/5410472.stm
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Etymology: ultimately from Latin rodent-, rodens, present participle of rodere to gnaw; akin to Latin radere to scrape, scratch, Sanskrit radati he gnaws
1 : any of an order (Rodentia) of relatively small gnawing mammals (as a mouse, a squirrel, or a beaver) that have in both jaws a single pair of incisors with a chisel-shaped edge
2 : a small mammal (as a rabbit or a shrew) other than a true rodent
This is something we are confronted with as the

I think they are cute. But, they have to find their own place in life.
Traps & poison are now on the list things to launch. I hate to do it. Power to the people! Gnaw and scratch somewhere else until next summer.

Monday, October 16, 2006
Things that make me feel better?
Re: Kenmore Elite Ultra Wash Dishwasher (stock # 17262)
Purchased November 10, 2005 at Sarnia Retail Store, Lambton Mall
To Whom It May Concern:
This letter may only serve to vent my frustration and disappointment in the cleaning results of this dishwasher. The best way I can explain this is to refer to my experience.
Back in 1996 we purchased our first new dishwasher from Sears in Asheville, North Carolina. (We even obtained a Sears Card at that time to get a discount.) I don't know or remember model it was mid-range in price compared to other Sears models. I do know it was the best thing that ever happened to me. This thing cleaned everything. My husband was a skeptic the day I put a burnt-on broiler pan in the dishwasher and to his amazement it came out sparkling clean.
Nov. 1, 2005. We move to Canada. The home we purchased had a very old rusty dishwasher. With our experience of Sears products we immediately find your closest store and purchase a new dishwasher (and Kenmore Ultra soft 480). This time funds are more available and the sales consultant, Jim, was very convincing that Ultra Wash was what we needed. We have TURBO ZONE now! And lots of buttons to push.
Well, it has been a disappointment ever since. Yes, I have read all the Use & Care Guide more than once. So long I don't put any pots, pans not to mention even trying broiler pan. (Ok, I did try once) this thing cannot match my Kenmore in NC.
Should someone at your company feel they could help or fix this I will be greatly appreciative.
Yours truly, AnneMarie Kierstead
8275 Rawlings Rd. Forest, Ontario N0N 1J0
(old address was- 52 Thoren Court, Clyde, NC)
Hello AnneMarie Kierstead,Thank you for taking the time to bring your concerns to our attention.We value you as a Sears customer and regret that you have had an unpleasant experience.We have directed this important issue to our Corporate Customer Service representatives, one of our specialty agents will be in touch with you soon to rectify this matter.We are looking forward to discussing this matter further and working with you to find a suitable resolution.We appreciate your continued patience and apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.Thank you for shopping at Sears.Sincerely,Wendy tmp
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Dog Philosophy
- anonymous
Don't accept your dog's admiration as conclusive evidence that you are wonderful.
- Ann Landers
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.
- Will Rogers
There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face.
- Ben Williams
A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.
- Josh Billings
The average dog is a nicer person than the average person.
- Andy Rooney
We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare.
And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.
- M. Acklam
Dogs love their friends and bite their enemies, quite unlike people, who are incapable of pure love and always have to mix love and hate.
- Sigmund Freud
I wonder if other dogs think poodle's are members of a weird religious cult.
- Rita Rudner
A dog teaches a boy fidelity, perseverance, and to turn around three times before lying down.
- Robert Benchley
Anybody who doesn't know what soap tastes like never washed a dog.
-Franklin P. Jones
If I have any beliefs about immortality, it is that certain dogs I have known will go to heaven, and very, very few persons.
- James Thurber
If your dog is fat, you aren't get getting enough exercise.
My dog is worried about the economy because Alpo is up to $3.00 a can. That's almost $21.00 in dog money.
-Joe Weinstein
Ever consider what our dogs must think of us? I mean , here we come back from a grocery store with the most amazing haul, chicken, pork, half a cow. They must think we're the greatest hunters on earth!
-Anne Tyler
Women and cats will do as they please. And Men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.
-Robert A. Heinlein
If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the principal difference between a dog and a man.
-Mark Twain
You can say any foolish thing to a dog, and the dog will give you a look that says, "Wow, you're right! I never would've thought of that!"
-Dave Barry
Dogs are not our whole life, but the make our lives whole.
- Roger Caras
If you think dogs can't count, try putting three dog biscuits in your pocket and then give him only two of them.
-Phil Pastoret
My goal in life is to be as good of a person my dog already thinks I am.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Sad But True
I am finding out more and more that many at work are very unhappy. No definite signs of a reason. (not that they are going to tell me.) Just unhappy.
One of my clues; when you get comments more than once or twice "Why are you smiling? Don't you know you are at work?" or "Why are you smiling, what's up?"
Remember the phase "When you smile the world smiles with you." Not where I work.
The good side is, it seems to work on the customers but some of the co-workers are determined to be miserable. We all have bad days and things go wrong but we get through it. Hopefully the unhappy will see the light and find something to smile about.
In the mean time, I will continue to smile in hopes that it is contagious.
Friday, October 13, 2006
Perfect Fit
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Thanksgiving in Canada

This was our first Thanksgiving together in Canada and it was great. Just being with family and friends and eating too much.
The weather was perfect.
3:00 pm Sunday, On our drive to the family gathering every field we past had a tractor working diligently to harvest it's crop before the forecast mid-week rain.
The farmers Thanksgiving was much different then ours. We couldn't help to think they were giving thanks to the warm dry weather rather than eating turkey and watching football as they were still out in the fields long after we returned home at 8:00 pm. (they have flood lights on these tractors)
Monday, Thanksgiving Day we get back to work along with all the farmers. We had to work off all that food.
Friday, October 06, 2006
A Child's Angel
I feel honored that my co-work is sharing with me the progress of this miracle of life.
I found the following poem for her

A Child's Angel
Once upon a time, a child was ready to be born. So he asked God, "How am I going to live there being so small and helpless?"
God answered, "Among the many angels, I chose one for you. She will be waiting for you and will take care of you."
The Child asked, "Here in Heaven, I don't do anything else but sing and smile, that's enough for me to be happy.
God answered, "Your angel will sing for you and will also smile for you every day. And you will feel your angel's love and be happy."
The Child asked, "How will I learn?" "I don't know the language that men talk?"
God said, "Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words you will ever hear, and with much patience and care, your angel will teach you how to live."
The Child asked, "What am I going to do when I want to talk to you?"
God smiled, "Your angel will place your hands together and will teach you how to pray."
The Child pleaded, "Who will protect me?"
God said, "Your angel will defend you even if it means risking its life. "
At that moment there was much peace in Heaven, but voices from earth could already be heard, and the child in a hurry asked softly: "Oh God, if I am about to leave now, please tell me my angel's name?"
Your angel's name is of no importance, you will simply call your angel, "Mom."
http://mrmom.amaonline.com/Inspirational.htm for more poems.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Hello Everyone,
Again I apologize for the mass email, but I wanted to share some good news with everyone. On Friday Sept. 29th I found out I passed the CT bar exam! So I am now officially an attorney(scary).
I want to thank everyone who helped me get to this spot in my life. I appreciate the encouragement and support I received from everyone. Hopefully, in May when I graduate from my LLM program I will have a nice job lined up.
I am still awaiting the NY bar results. I will keep you posted on those results.
Take Care
"There are no short cuts to any place worth going."
Source Unknown
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Be Thankful - email
The message is the important part and yet the comment gave even more reasons to Be Thankful.
The following is from our friend Sheila -
These thoughts remind me of a special friend, Kirk Kierstead, who always sees the silver lining in the cloud before he sees the cloud. I'm not even sure that he sees the cloud. He has a wonderful way of looking at the world and this message is right in line, I think, with his way of thinking. One of my goals in life is to look at the world the way he does. Thanks, Kirk, for your inspiration
This is Good!
Kirk asked me to put this on the blog.
Click on link it is self explanatory.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Thanks for help

Plus, we are glad it was raining hard.
My Brother arrived today because it was raining so hard it was impossible to landscape in the mud. (He usually works in the rain or any other bad weather).
He offered to help Kirk with the insulation. My Brother is one tough man and we are glad.
As you can see the ceiling is insulated.
Celebration is in order. Mind you around here, Kirk and I celebrate everything.
PS - Yesterday we almost sold that Jag you see in the background but the person now wants to wait until January. Oh well.
Don't try to convert...
My comment is "don't try to convert", just feel it and add or subtract clothing as necessary.
However, I found I should listen to my own advice as I was analyzing some of our recent bills.
Kirk took Shadow to the vet. They charge more here.
The Chiropractor is less here. So I guess it averages out.
I just wish we could just add or subtract income as necessary.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Pete, Petey, Peaty
Cake Decorating - Past & Present

This is one tough lady! She was the manager of the Deli/Bakery Department at BiLo (Candler) It wasn't easy working with her but she was fair and even fun at times. She gave me the opportunity to learn how to decorate cakes. She even sent me to some company sponsored classes. I helped with (what they called) the production cakes. (carrot, black forest, cream cheese, cookies & cream etc.) When it wasn't busy we were allowed to let our imagination run wild and get creative. That was fun. If the idea was good we used it for awhile. We seemed to be a team and shared ideas.
It is different here. When I was hired, Dave (store owner) asked about my cake decorating experience. I told him my preference to icing cakes as to decorating. I could be a benefit in production but I don't have the talent in decoration. However, when put in a spot, I will do my best with effort & $ to produce something the customer will appreciate.
This brings me to my resent SPOT. I'm told Saturday afternoon, by the "Cake Decorator" who is leaving for the day, to decorate a photo cake for Sunday morning. My logic - do it now! With what little talent I have and knowledge learned from BiLo the cake was ready for Sunday.
I open Sunday morning. The concentration is on baking & putting out product before the doors open at 9 am plus begin setting up for Monday.
The customer arrives on time. They are very pleased to the point of thanking me many times over. I can't explain my relief and satisfaction that I made someone happy with the realization that this is what it is all about.
Making others happy.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
1 1/2 hours at the Fair
Friday, September 22, 2006
Fishing success continued...
I guess he was excited to tell Kirk the news; if Kirk would have entered the fishing derby he would have won! Others caught fish but very few caught Bass.
Would have, should have, could have but didn't. There you go.
Still, it was exciting to know it was a fishing success.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Forest Fair

The fair starts tomorrow!
We were reminded today because one of the carny folks arrived to have something fixed.
When I saw their truck drive in my first thoughts are; sure hope it has nothing to do with a ride.
(not ready for any structural liability) It was just welding a part holding a lighting unit.
We plan on going to the fair for reasons unknown. Not sure which day. We have to decide soon. It's only here 22nd, 23rd and 24th.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Today a urinal was installed. (Yippie)
Kirk's friends and lingering customers do not have to wander around the building to relieve themselves.
Main Entry: pid·dle
Function: intransitive verbPronunciation: 'pi-d & l
Inflected Form(s): pid·dled ; pid·dling
/'pid-li[ng], 'pi-d & l-i[ng]/
Etymology: origin unknown1 : DAWDLE , PUTTER 2 : URINATE
Monday, September 18, 2006
- my spelling and grammar is poor to terrible
- my penmanship is that of a small child
- when put under pressure the shakes set in
- situations seem to happen when there is no back-up help
- customers make picking up the cake their last stop before the party
Last Saturday afternoon the customer arrived for their cake.
Survivedwas spelt wrong! (we are missing a v)
I offer to fix it. "No time". The customer shows the cake to her three friends all making sounds of disappointment. Still "No time. It's OK, it's OK". I go back to my station and discuss this with my co-worker who motivates me again to offer to fix it. In the mean time the think-caps are put on and the customers want Spiders? "Can you draw spiders"? Sure, I do it all the time. Right. The objective here was to cover the error with a spider. Thanks to the quick thinking of my co-worker she whipped out some plastic spiders from cabinet. I put them on the cake.
I Survived!
And we all lived happily ever after.
Insulation continued...
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Fire escape
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Blog Archive
- The best style of worship
- On the Other Side
- Indifferent, Bad and Good
- Where are the customers?
- Butternut Squash -There is a point
- Wipeout
- Day of Bonding
- Continuing Education
- Sears Called
- Muslim Vail
- Rodent
- Things that make me feel better?
- Dog Philosophy
- Sad But True
- Perfect Fit
- Thanksgiving in Canada
- A Child's Angel
- Attorney
- Be Thankful - email
- This is Good!