Some of the best plans can change with the arrival of a stranger.
I had every intention of spending the morning with my new little friend Jakeb because he entered the Forest Fair Baby Contest. 44 participants in total. Have my camera charged and ready to do some serious photography.
(the following are two of my favorite shots -click on photo to enlarge)

At 6:44 am a woman walked up to the shop asking for help. Kirk called me outside, as it started to drizzle, to talk to the lady. I could tell she was upset and didn't know how to start with her story, as all I was getting fragmented sentences. We went inside, had some coffee as she explained her bizarre night. She couldn't understand how she got into the situation she got into and yet I could understand. (Been there, done that, around her age) I explained I would drive her back to London, which is an hour away, but I had to go to the fair first.
She had a shower, we ate breakfast and off to the fair we go. I promised Kirk I would home by noon. The baby contest started at 10:00 am so I didn't get to take all the pictures I wanted to, or find out who won. Mind you, they are all cute and all winners.
On our drive to London we talked a lot and started bonding. Her name is Patty (age 42) and I feel I have a new friend. Life throws us curves and I hope, I helped someone straighten one out.