Dealing with people and public services has it's ups and downs. Today we had our share of both.
You may remember that we are still working on permanent residence status for Kirk. This seems to be a continuous endeavour. Our paperwork was returned from Kentucky Police requesting more money and additional forms to be completed. (In the first set of instructions they only required $4.00 for processing.)
I race to the bank to have them change the $4.00 US money order to a $10.00 US money order. Filled out the form which only confirms the information we sent them in the first place but now it is written out on
their form. It is off in the mail again! We are dealing with four states. This is only the second of the four states we have to hear from. At least NC Police called us and asked for money. (the original instructions stated - no fee)
At least the bank didn't charge us the $6.50 fee this time to issue the money order. I think she sympathized with me as, she was the person who issued the original three money orders while listening to my complaint. "Why should we have to do this? Immigration has the FBI report".
In the mean time, Kirk is expecting money back from the keg he ordered for the party. It is new found funds which he wants to use to order charts for his fish finder. The ordering of the charts became an all day ordeal. He called the company that makes the fish finder, the company that makes the charts, and companies that sell both. There seemed to be no one that knew anything. Frustration was setting in. Finally, he called Cabella's. We think the charts are on their way?
We are probably all guilty of not listening or reading. But I feel we try not to assume and we know, we don't know much. But why do some things get so complicated when it starts out just following the directions?