It's not about me. ....everything got started in him and finds its purpose in him. Colossians 1:16
Sunday, December 31, 2006
I resign
December 31, 2006
Dave Delchiaro
Forest IGA
88 King St. E.
Forest, Ontario NON 1J0
Dear Dave,
With regret, I am forced to resign my position in the bakery. This may come as no surprise to you since my last letter pointed out Sue’s disapproval of my work performance. I’m not sure what I did wrong but it is obvious that she wants me out of the department. I will oblige.
It is short notice. However, we also get short notice as to our schedule. I believe it was understood that I am a morning person. Kirk and I always have been. We start early and fade around 3 or 4 and done by 5 or 6 pm.
When you hired me, you did mention that you needed someone and you didn’t need someone. I think I mentioned I needed a job and didn’t need a job. I truly enjoy working at IGA and it was a great year working with a fine group of organized young ladies. We were a team! Sad to say, upon Sue’s return the team and organization dissolved.
Should in the future you need someone again for some other position? I will be more than honored to be of service.
Sincerely, AnneMarie
Dave Delchiaro
Forest IGA
88 King St. E.
Forest, Ontario NON 1J0
Dear Dave,
With regret, I am forced to resign my position in the bakery. This may come as no surprise to you since my last letter pointed out Sue’s disapproval of my work performance. I’m not sure what I did wrong but it is obvious that she wants me out of the department. I will oblige.
It is short notice. However, we also get short notice as to our schedule. I believe it was understood that I am a morning person. Kirk and I always have been. We start early and fade around 3 or 4 and done by 5 or 6 pm.
When you hired me, you did mention that you needed someone and you didn’t need someone. I think I mentioned I needed a job and didn’t need a job. I truly enjoy working at IGA and it was a great year working with a fine group of organized young ladies. We were a team! Sad to say, upon Sue’s return the team and organization dissolved.
Should in the future you need someone again for some other position? I will be more than honored to be of service.
Sincerely, AnneMarie
Friday, December 29, 2006
Deer Meat...cont.
This is a continuation of a Nov. post - Deer Meat
We received our package of deer meat and now it is time to cook.
Today Kirk is having deer stew and the deer jerky should be ready in approximately 2 hours.
For someone who never cooked before meeting Kirk, I sure am making up for lost time.
The cooking smells good and Kirk said the stew is good! (I don't eat creatures that have four legs so I have to take his word for it.)
As I write he just tried the Jerky. It is good but, should have marinated longer. OK, next time.
We received our package of deer meat and now it is time to cook.
Today Kirk is having deer stew and the deer jerky should be ready in approximately 2 hours.
For someone who never cooked before meeting Kirk, I sure am making up for lost time.
The cooking smells good and Kirk said the stew is good! (I don't eat creatures that have four legs so I have to take his word for it.)
As I write he just tried the Jerky. It is good but, should have marinated longer. OK, next time.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Cake, What to do?

This is a continuation of previous post; No Cake today or any day.
I arrive at work to a very empty looking department since it is first day after the store being closed for Christmas. (here it is closed two days as they have Boxing Day)
To me the goal should be, cleaning and making the department look full again. I will be alone until 9:00 am. Get those buns out ASAP. But, low and behold there is a cake order for this morning and no cake decorator scheduled for today! What to do? I was told, in no uncertain terms, "You do not do Cakes!"
I wake up the Bakery Manager at 6:30 am to ask if I should call the Decorator?
"No, you can do the cake."
A pause of silence, then scared, right or wrong, I said "I don't do cakes. Besides, I'm busy getting bread and buns baked and on the self."
The Manager arrived around 7:00 am obviously irritated. She decorated the cake in record time and left. The air was thick with silence. The rest of the day was non-stop as usual as there is always plenty to accomplish before quitting time at 2:00 pm.
My feelings are mixed. I really do like working here. Just wish I could figure out what went wrong to make my life here so tense with the Manager?
Wednesday, December 27, 2006

It seems that times have changed.
Around 30 years ago, I used the telephone all the time. I made a great living using the phone. From what I can remember calling friends and family was not an inconvenience for either party. In addition, I even made the an effort to send cards and letters. (Mind you, my address changed so often I understand why someone couldn't write back.)
Now, I hesitate to call anyone, finding myself interrupting one kind of activity or another. Experience shows that everyone is much busier now. The comments now are; we are playing cards, getting dinner ready, eating dinner, guests are arriving, we are just leaving for, etc. In short, I feel like I picked the wrong time to call, again. So much for asking how things are going or what is happening in their life?
Not that I like answer machines but, I'm sometimes relieved that I can let someone know I tried to call to see how they are doing without expecting a response, knowing they are probably busy.
Email became the next best method of communication. Send your note or thoughts and it can be read at the recipients convenience. Many got on that band-wagon and it is now just a way to send "stuff". Found that can be an nuisance too.
So far, my best way to communicate is this blog. No contact, just write my thoughts and experiences and should someone be interested they will check in at their convenience. Down side, they have to have internet access and know the website address. Now, I'm back to the phone or email.
Answering the phone is not something I do often. Good part, most of the calls are for Kirk anyway. Better part, they are from friends and family that actually let us know how they are doing.
Thanks for the calls and emails. We love hearing from you.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Friday, December 22, 2006
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Home for Christmas

Through all the hustle and bustle of getting ready for all the customers we expect to get, it is great to see familiar faces of the previous summer co-workers.
The students are home for Christmas!
Not that we have time to chat but, as we are passing by or waiting on them, to me, it is just a great feeling to see them again.
It is nice to hear things are going well and they are doing well. A prosperous future in the making. I wish them all the best with just good memories of summer jobs of the past.
Christmas Gift
We are alike!
Kirk could not wait for Christmas to give his gift to me. It arrive yesterday by UPS. He set it up.
When I arrived home from work, he was right on my heels as I enter the door. He starts describing his experience of seeing reindeer, sleigh and a fat man with beard and red suit. I'm thinking he has lost it or he has inhaled too much welding smoke. I could tell, his excitement was overwhelming.
The down side, when I get home from work, I'm tired, sore and just want the sit for a bit. This was not happening. As I'm ushered into our designated office, the story goes on about Santa.
Surprise, we have a new monitor! It is huge, wide, clear with wonderful large print. (I can put off getting new glasses.)
The touching part is, he took the money he was saving for his fish finder to pay for this. It seems to me, the child in all of us does come out even more this time of the year. (I'm trying to get the money together for his fish finder.)
Kirk could not wait for Christmas to give his gift to me. It arrive yesterday by UPS. He set it up.
When I arrived home from work, he was right on my heels as I enter the door. He starts describing his experience of seeing reindeer, sleigh and a fat man with beard and red suit. I'm thinking he has lost it or he has inhaled too much welding smoke. I could tell, his excitement was overwhelming.
The down side, when I get home from work, I'm tired, sore and just want the sit for a bit. This was not happening. As I'm ushered into our designated office, the story goes on about Santa.
Surprise, we have a new monitor! It is huge, wide, clear with wonderful large print. (I can put off getting new glasses.)
The touching part is, he took the money he was saving for his fish finder to pay for this. It seems to me, the child in all of us does come out even more this time of the year. (I'm trying to get the money together for his fish finder.)
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Hydro One
I have yet to figure out electricity charges here. I don't mean to complain but some things just don't make sense. I know, I've whined about this before. I just can't help myself.
We get our bill with all these fancy pamphlets telling us "electricity prices decrease!"
OK, I'm ready for this decrease. I don't see it. Mind you, I don't understand the bill in the first place, how would I know it has gone down? This month's electric total - $100.22.
Our favorite part of the bill is the "Delivery" charge which could be from $60. to $120. ;
Kirk is still waiting to meet the delivery guy.
Then comes the "Regulatory Charges", the "Debt Retirement Charge" and last but not least the "Goods and Services Tax". This month's total - $113.31.
In addition, this is an estimated month. We guess, this is where they guess, how much we used. We've noticed it is always on the high end of the meter.So, this grand month's total is $213.53 reasonable by local standards.
(The heating bill is another matter, it is still to come.)
We get our bill with all these fancy pamphlets telling us "electricity prices decrease!"
OK, I'm ready for this decrease. I don't see it. Mind you, I don't understand the bill in the first place, how would I know it has gone down? This month's electric total - $100.22.
Our favorite part of the bill is the "Delivery" charge which could be from $60. to $120. ;
Kirk is still waiting to meet the delivery guy.
Then comes the "Regulatory Charges", the "Debt Retirement Charge" and last but not least the "Goods and Services Tax". This month's total - $113.31.
In addition, this is an estimated month. We guess, this is where they guess, how much we used. We've noticed it is always on the high end of the meter.So, this grand month's total is $213.53 reasonable by local standards.
(The heating bill is another matter, it is still to come.)
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Let there be light!

We had a light once. It burned out during the summer, some time. I bought a new fluorescent bulb but, it still didn't work. Finally last Sunday, Kirk got fed up with the fact of working in the dark at the sink (not that he does that often). Sure, we have another light in the kitchen but, it is above and behind what you are working on, so the shadows can get irritating.
He got his trusty meter out to test the currents. We have electric in the lines. In fact everything tested positive. It has to be the balis (not sure if I'm spelling it right?). Can't check that. Time for another light.
Since he is in the mood for fixing this, I hurry out to town to find anything that will work. Looks and design is not an issue here. I want light.
I purchased a light for $19.99 bulbs not included. Purchased bulbs.
Total, $27.11.
What a deal! It was a two person installation. Our age is showing in times like this. His arms are getting sore trying to hold up fixture while trying to match screwdriver with screw. My job is to hold fixture. What a team! We turn on switch. One light bulb burns out. But, we have some light!
Excitement is too much. Need a beer as we spend this moment staring at the light. It might be too bright now. We don't care. Our vision is not the best so more light the better.
Merry Christmas
Canada Post Gift

To my surprise, we received a package via Canada Post and it was delivered to the door!
I know, this should be no big deal but it is a first, since we arrived here in Canada. Usually, we get a card in the mailbox instructing us to pick up packages at the Post Office.
It could be, the Postal worker tried in the past to deliver to the door but there is no sign that has ever happened. Maybe here they don't leave signs? In NC, the Postal worker would leave the card at the door which indicates to me, they made it to the door.
Like I said, no big deal. Just real nice not to have to go into town to pick up a package.
This could be Canada Post Christmas gift to us.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Christmas Spirit
Trying to get into the Christmas Spirit and it is just not happening.
Or is it?
Christmas is the greatest time of the year! Our savior is born! It is a time of celebration, getting together with family and friends. Exchanging gifts, small, large, and from the heart or just being together.
Why is it, I'm sitting here not wanting to put out the few Christmas decorations we own?
Then comes the memories of past comments. "You are slobs." Who wants to be around slobs?
Christian; being Christ like.
We want help others the best way we know how.
We may not have decorations. We may be slobs.
We will help you with the best of our ability. Just let us know what you need.
Merry Christmas
Or is it?
Christmas is the greatest time of the year! Our savior is born! It is a time of celebration, getting together with family and friends. Exchanging gifts, small, large, and from the heart or just being together.
Why is it, I'm sitting here not wanting to put out the few Christmas decorations we own?
Then comes the memories of past comments. "You are slobs." Who wants to be around slobs?
Christian; being Christ like.
We want help others the best way we know how.
We may not have decorations. We may be slobs.
We will help you with the best of our ability. Just let us know what you need.
Merry Christmas
Friday, December 08, 2006
Visitor Visa
Back tracking here.
Monday Dec. 4. Kirk had to pick up some material in Sarnia and decided to renew his Visitor Visa. I was tense about the whole thing because he's put it off well past Oct. 15 deadline.
It states on the visa; conditions # 3." Must leave Canada by 15 Oct. 2006."
As you can tell, he is still here. He did have to jump through a few hoops to stay.
God really does watch out for us. He was fortunate to get an understanding Customs Officer.
Kirk sat and watched two people interrogated sent back to the USA. They were in line before him. It is now his turn. He presents his case with all the paperwork that I sent with him. We are trying to comply with all the requests Immigration requires. The Officer stated he could tell that, by what was on his computer screen.
However, the officer did chew Kirk out for not renewing by Oct 15. He told him that he could arrest him and send him to the USA. Instead, he made Kirk drive to the USA and return like a new arrival. Then he chewed him out some more. I think, Kirk got the message and a new visitor visa valid until June 4, 2007 with plans of renewing May 4, 2007 as instructed.
We sure hope that all the immigration hassle will be over with by then.
On a bright note, we did get a part refund on the fee - $485.00.
On May 2, 2006, the Government of Canada announced that the Right of Permanent Residence Fee of immigration to Canada would be reduced by almost fifty percent from $975 to $490. This change impacts on all sponsorship that are in process where the fee has been submitted and where the potential immigrant to Canada has not become a permanent resident of Canada prior to May 3, 2006.
Monday Dec. 4. Kirk had to pick up some material in Sarnia and decided to renew his Visitor Visa. I was tense about the whole thing because he's put it off well past Oct. 15 deadline.
It states on the visa; conditions # 3." Must leave Canada by 15 Oct. 2006."
As you can tell, he is still here. He did have to jump through a few hoops to stay.
God really does watch out for us. He was fortunate to get an understanding Customs Officer.
Kirk sat and watched two people interrogated sent back to the USA. They were in line before him. It is now his turn. He presents his case with all the paperwork that I sent with him. We are trying to comply with all the requests Immigration requires. The Officer stated he could tell that, by what was on his computer screen.
However, the officer did chew Kirk out for not renewing by Oct 15. He told him that he could arrest him and send him to the USA. Instead, he made Kirk drive to the USA and return like a new arrival. Then he chewed him out some more. I think, Kirk got the message and a new visitor visa valid until June 4, 2007 with plans of renewing May 4, 2007 as instructed.
We sure hope that all the immigration hassle will be over with by then.
On a bright note, we did get a part refund on the fee - $485.00.
On May 2, 2006, the Government of Canada announced that the Right of Permanent Residence Fee of immigration to Canada would be reduced by almost fifty percent from $975 to $490. This change impacts on all sponsorship that are in process where the fee has been submitted and where the potential immigrant to Canada has not become a permanent resident of Canada prior to May 3, 2006.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
This is not a radio station, it is Kirk's temperature today. We own a digital thermometer.
He was fine yesterday, all excited about his 17'-6"x11'-6" thermalex insulated steel door being installed today. He slept through the whole day. He didn't care one bit on how and when they arrived or finished the installation. (By the way, the door looks good!)
This is another first. I've known Kirk since 1992 and I can't remember him ever being down because of some flu bug or whatever he has. He doesn't want to eat or drink anything and he is not smoking. (Can't smoke when you are sleeping.) Last thermometer reading was at 5 pm. We are down to 102. I sure hope it goes back to normal soon.
He was fine yesterday, all excited about his 17'-6"x11'-6" thermalex insulated steel door being installed today. He slept through the whole day. He didn't care one bit on how and when they arrived or finished the installation. (By the way, the door looks good!)
This is another first. I've known Kirk since 1992 and I can't remember him ever being down because of some flu bug or whatever he has. He doesn't want to eat or drink anything and he is not smoking. (Can't smoke when you are sleeping.) Last thermometer reading was at 5 pm. We are down to 102. I sure hope it goes back to normal soon.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Award Winning Store

So far, I still have the privilege of working at this store.
For more details of award click on http://www.cfig.ca/feature_story.asp
and go to Medium Surface Awards.

Store owner - Dave Delchiaro
Today, they are holding the company Christmas Party/Dinner.
I will not be attending since it will be past my bed time.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Heart Specialist Visit
Kirk just returned from his visit with the Heart Specialist.
All is well.
He got to see his heart beating just fine on a monitor. (Of course, if it wasn't, what are the options) The part he didn't understand, the Dr. placed the gadget on his tummy and it shows the back of his heart. Modern technology. The Dr. chuckled when Kirk questioned how this works.
They don't really know what happened the other day. It was serious, and yet everything is normal now. In fact the Dr. was surprised how strong Kirk's heart is considering his age.
Kirk told the Dr. about his past. Construction jobs of climbing ladders, his prospecting days of walking miles and climbing mountains. Sure, now he is not doing as much physical labor. Maybe, this is the problem.
The topic of smoking did come up. The Dr. told him, should he stop smoking now, in three years it would be like he never smoked.
I got one of these, "should we try?" when he was explaining it to me.
I've been bitching about this for a long time now. No sense me quitting if he doesn't.
WE are going to give it a try.
All is well.
He got to see his heart beating just fine on a monitor. (Of course, if it wasn't, what are the options) The part he didn't understand, the Dr. placed the gadget on his tummy and it shows the back of his heart. Modern technology. The Dr. chuckled when Kirk questioned how this works.
They don't really know what happened the other day. It was serious, and yet everything is normal now. In fact the Dr. was surprised how strong Kirk's heart is considering his age.
Kirk told the Dr. about his past. Construction jobs of climbing ladders, his prospecting days of walking miles and climbing mountains. Sure, now he is not doing as much physical labor. Maybe, this is the problem.
The topic of smoking did come up. The Dr. told him, should he stop smoking now, in three years it would be like he never smoked.
I got one of these, "should we try?" when he was explaining it to me.
I've been bitching about this for a long time now. No sense me quitting if he doesn't.
WE are going to give it a try.
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