Great intentions of labouring on labour day. There is grass to cut, house to clean, dogs to bath, laudry to wash, windows to clean, actually the list is endless. However, my back went out on me yesterday at work. I managed to make it through my 6 hour shift very carefully and slowly. Each movement was a challenge. Even getting into my truck to return home to immediate ice packs was pure pain.
This morning I got to test out Kirk's traction gadget. I've never really been sold on this thing but I was in enough pain, what have I got to lose. Ok, I have to admit I am feeling somewhat better now to the point that I will do this again this evening in hopes that I will be ready for work tomorrow. A visit to a chiropractor is next on my list of things to do.
In the mean time Kirk is labouring. He has to weld the frame of a large transport trailer by this evening. The tractor-trailer arrived on Saturday. It was raining. Can't weld in the rain. On Sunday, between other jobs that need to be completed he removed the very full and heavy tool box that was in the way of damaged area. The welding is taking place at this very moment.
My job is to find the person who is paying for this. The driver of the truck gave me a name and a phone number of the supposed owner of the truck which has nothing to do with name that is on the door of the truck?????

As Kirk says I worry too much.
FYI - Listening to the radio, Kirk informed me of all the places that are closed today. All. But, there is still garbage pickup and IGA is open. Go figure?